
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Binding done and the fun (NOT) begins........

The photo didn't turn out very good so I'll try again today.  This is a quilt I have been working on for over 3 years for the sewing machine store.  It is finally finished and ready to take for show and tell to their embroidery club tomorrow.  I finished hand sewing the binding last night.
The fun, or not so much fun really starts today.  I have a hot water heat system in my house, original in this 1953 house and it has never needed repair until recently.  The last couple years the pump has made some pretty loud thumps as it froze up but I was always able to get it going again by oiling it.  The problem is that the oil is leaking out to the floor and it finally is so bad I needed to do something about it.  Since there is no shut off valve they have to bleed the entire line, opening little doors on the baseboard heat IN EVERY ROOM.  OMG do I have a lot of stuff to move so they can get to them.........................


  1. You are right! That is no fun at all. Hope you get it fixed. That quilt is lovely by the way.

  2. Sounds like you will busy. Owning a home always has something to worry about and repair.Good Luck. Chris

  3. Congratulations on another fantastic finish!

    I have a similar heating system in my old house... so I can understand your challenge... good luck with it!

  4. I love that quilt, especially the colorful border fabric! Yikes, the repairs sound like a whee bit of a nightmare. Wishing you the best of luck!

  5. 1953???????That is the same age as me. Explains why I have to go to hospital on Sunday for surgery on Monday- my oil is leaking and I need all my valves bled. I am channelling your heat pump.
    Or maybe it is channelling me. Does it have any sort of a stash around it?
    Lovely quilt, it is a sparkler!

  6. I hope the fix works and you will be all toasty warm for the rest of the winter!

  7. Good luck on the getting ready for repair!

  8. The quilt is beautiful! Well worth the effort. Good luck with the repairs. It doesn't sound like much fun, but once it's fixed, I'm sure you will have many years of a nice warm house!

  9. Hi Wanda,
    What a great looking quilt. And that border is perfect!

    yikes, don't you hate when you have to have work people traipsing through your house (and it's usually an emergency so no chance to straighten and/or declutter properly). I feel for you. Hopefully it's repairable...

    Vicky F

  10. I know it's a pain today but you are so lucky to have hot water heat! I don't have it but a friend had it in a previous house and it was the best heat!

  11. What a cheerful quilt and lots to look at too!

  12. I guess you are lucky you have not had a problem with your heating system before now - I do not envy you though having to prepare for workers in the house. I hope they are able to solve the problems quickly.

  13. What a darling quilt! I hope the repair goes quickly.

  14. OMGosh....I can relate. I would hate to have to move all of those items.

    I love the quilt!

  15. OH NO!! How awful is that.What a lot of work. Hope you get some help!!

    Love the finished quilt.

  16. Quilt is AWESOME Wanda... Your border is absolutely a perfect piece that frames those darling ABC embroidery designs. Those in the club are so fortunate to have you there to 'Show 'n Tell'.

    We too have the same heating system in our home.... And OMG ... and I am so fortunate that my husband takes care of our system if something needs it. I sure know what it like to 'bleed' those lines. Hope the weather today warms up for you. I see it is 31 degrees there in Sandwich and you need some heat.


  17. It looks great! And your last post was wonderful, too!!

  18. I like that border. Cute quilt. I've heard hot water heat is warm and cozy, nice. Hope the repairs go well.

  19. Oh glory - what a huge job! I had a boiler with radiators at my house in Dover and I loved the heat. The previous owner had installed a new boiler so I never had to do a thing to the system. I sure hope they get it up and running for you quickly. I am still mending and am feeling better every day. I still get tired but not as quickly. I can't believe I have to go back to work in 2 1/2 weeks! This 6 weeks is going by fast!

  20. You have my sympathy for that heating issue.

  21. That doesn't sound like fun at all!
    Your quilt is wonderful!

  22. No, that does not sound like fun at all. But the quilt is wonderful. I really like the border fabric. I don't believe I've ever seen any of that before.

  23. The quilt is so cute! Sorry about the hot water system. Been there, done that.

  24. Your quilt is so beautiful and what a lot of work! I feel for you having to move everything away from the radiators. My daughter had that kind of heat in her older home and had to finally have it replaced last year as the boiler couldn't be fixed. Hope everything works out okay.

  25. Oh my! Oh wow! (the quilt)

    Oh no! oh dear! (the water)

  26. Oh, lordy, good luck with the water heat system - that is definitely NOT going to be fun!
    Pretty quilt; I love that border.


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