
Friday, November 11, 2011


Those white streaks are snow flurries.  It was coming down fast and furious with huge flakes for a short time.  It didn't stick but now we can't deny that winter is coming.  Luckily it is going to warm up again for a couple days.

I'm still working on this quilt, 4 more rows sewn last night.  The last 4 rows to sew are short ones so they will go fast and I can get the whole thing sewn together and trimmed.  Then I need to figure out what size to make the 9 patch blocks so they will fit. 
My neighbors put their pumpkin out for the squirrels to enjoy.
I worked at Quilter's Heart yesterday morning and will be there again this morning.  She has decided Dec. 3 is the last day for the shop and after that the rest will be sold on ebay at regular price.  If you live nearby you might want to get in on the 40% off while you can.  There are still bolts full enough for backings and at a great price.


  1. There is nothing like the beauty of falling snow, especially when you are inside looking out!

  2. How cute! We don't have squirrels in Australia but I'm sure the possums would enjoy the treat!

  3. Never thought squirrels would eat pumpkin. Oh my gosh, I was just going to write 'snow flurries predicted here but we didn't get any' and I looked out the window and here they are! just slowly falling ones-whew!
    But yesterday it just felt like snow when I was out w/the dogs.
    Still enjoying your quilt progress, it looks great.

  4. Love watching that quilt come together. I think my 'mystery' vine got 'planted' by a pumpkin-eating squirrel. We have freezing cold weather, but at least the sun is shining. Just north of here it is snowing like crazy.

  5. the quilt is looking so great! Love it. Snow - my daughter in WI got several inches the other day. I hope there is none for Thanksgiving for us on the drive there and back in the northern end of the drive we will be doing. Although it would be pretty to see - I would rather have chilly fall weather instead for that.
    I didn't realize squirrels ate pumpkins! I guess I am lucky I got my pumpkins in the house now or they could have made a mess out on the porch.

  6. Your quilt is coming along beautifully. Hard to think of snow when we were up to 70* yesterday. Such weird weather - we've have 15 degree variences from one day to the next. Mr Squirrel looks like he's trying to hide the pumpkin from his friends - lol!

  7. As always ~ I enjoy seeing your work in progress. And I know your 9 patch blocks will frame this one and add to it's beauty.

    Your squirrel looks like a photo from "Birds 'n Blooms"... Wonder if he is going for the seeds or the meat of the pumpkin ?

    Quilt backings that are so nice and wide make wonderful one piece table cloth's. Wish I lived near to get in on a good sale.


  8. Your quilt is coming along quite nicely. Your snow photo looks like a lot of snow is coming down, and fast.

  9. I didn't know squirrels would eat the pumpkin. Was it already cut open, or did the squirrel actually bite into it? I am not ready for snow, either!

  10. We were in the thirties here last night. But that doesn't mean winter is on its way for us. It's more of a Hi, how 'ya doing. Next month, maybe, is more usual for winter here in Houston.

    I do so like that quilt. It's going to be a stunner.


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