
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Running out of steam.....

I wish things could be spread out more, not back to back like Monday night and yesterday.  I still haven't put away the quilts from the program that I gave Mon. night.  I also haven't unpacked the bags from the QOV sew-in yesterday.  I have dishes in the kitchen sink and the kitchen table is piled high.  Today maybe I can relax and clean it all up.  Last night I cut 8.5" squares with my Studio die cutter of plaid homespun and a few flannel prints.  I started cutting more denim squares but I decided I had done enough for one day.  I need to have enough squares cut for 3 quilts that I hope to give away at Christmas time.


  1. We all need a maid. I'd prefer a cook.
    Hope you get everything cleaned up/ put away so you can concentrate on the good stuff!

  2. I know exactly what you mean. I am in the same situation. Gave a lecture and trunk show yesterday and my bags are still not unpacked. Slowly today it should happen. I will be thinking of you while I am doing mine.

  3. Take your time, but hurry up. I deal with that every day. I have confidence you can get it done. Chris

  4. Glad I stopped by to see your quilts. Really liked the black and white pinwheel and the crosses quilt. I gotta say, the Kaffe fabrics are wonderful--I'll be interested to see what you do with them. I'm thinking that they are so distinctive that it would be difficult to use them without the results looking like a "Kaffe Fassett Quilt". But I'm sure you'll come up with something really original.
    best, nadia

  5. May I suggest you give yourself a day off? Most people who are lucky enough to have jobs do get an allotted amount of vacation time per year. You work hard! It might be good to award yourself a break. Schedule it in advance, write it in your calendar, and REST! (Even if resting for you means sewing in slow motion. The idea is to indulge yourself by not having to do or accomplish anything.)

  6. I always wondered how you were able to do so much. Now I realize you are just like the rest of us who leave things undone in order to be creative. You need some time off. A little mini holiday to pamper yourself. Let the dishes sit in the sink. (or hire a housekeeper) Leave the fabric in the bag. Sit down with a cup'a something and relax. You deserve it.

  7. Take a deep,calming breath. Focus inwardly for a moment (or two or three :) ). Now, hopefully you feel a bit more centered and can attend to those things you feel important. ONE THING AT A TIME. What needs to get done, will get done.

  8. You are always so busy Wanda! Relax today and recoup. I may be silly but I enjoy taking time off and cleaning/rearranging my quilting room.

  9. WHAT ? Super Lady is "running out of steam" ? (*._,*)

    You make all of us followers feel better knowing you too can't help but let your life pile up from time to time.


  10. It's fun and energizing to go and go and go, but then the time comes when you have to stop and rest, and that's a good thing, too. You get so much done, it's amazing to me.

  11. I'm looking forward to seeing how you use your homespuns and plaids.

  12. My mom used to tell my brother and sister (I was out of the nest)that housework could wait a bit..let's go do something together...

    So housework will get done, bags will be unpacked, and quilts, bless their hearts, will be there...

  13. I can relate to that. My last two weeks have been a bit full on - especially after not being well. I hope you get some "down time" soon.


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