
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Last batch of diamond fabrics.......

I decided to add the extra row to the width of the diamond quilt which means 11 more diamonds.  I cut 2 new fabrics and used duplicates of some already sewn for all the rest.  I hope to get them all sewn today.   Yesterday I had a visit from one of my blogger friends who travels through this area a few times a year.  We had lunch and talked quilts of course.  We are both in caregiver situations so it was good to be able to talk about that too with someone who really understands.  She also helped me put the last 2 chairs together so my kitchen set is complete.  I'll take a photo soon so you can see the table too.


  1. Nice to have a visitor that can relate on so many levels. Glad you got the chairs together. Enjoy the day Chris

  2. I can't wait to see the quilt top finished. Have you decided what color binding? It is always nice to have company that you can relate too. How is Dad doing?

  3. I can't wait to see the quilt top finished. Have you decided what color binding? It is always nice to have company that you can relate too. How is Dad doing?

  4. You had a VERY productive day! I am jealous.

  5. The beauty of these diamonds and the different combinations just amaze me.

  6. that is great being able to meet up with your friend. The quilt is going to be gorgeous!

  7. back to yesterday's post- how did you have the patience to stop and take a picture before opening the package?
    I always rip the bag open to see the wonderful

  8. These pairings are absolutely beautiful!

  9. WOW the REDS are gorgeous ! This has been such a fun piece to watch it grow.

    Your combinations are the best !


  10. How fabulous to meet up with a friend with whom you have so much in common.
    I can't wait to see the diamonds all up on your design wall!

  11. I like your new color combinations, and yippee for getting the rest of your chairs put together. It's always good to have a friend visit who understands.

  12. Gorgeous colour combinations, Wanda.
    Glad to hear you had a good time with your blogger friend.

  13. I like the look of those chairs. Nice to spend time with a friend.


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