
Sunday, September 18, 2011

final layout?

Yesterday I sewed the final 11 diamond blocks, took all of the diamonds off the design wall and vacuumed the rug in front of them.  Then I sorted them by dark borders, light borders and center colors.  I think this is the final layout, and to be safe I put one pin in each because 4 times is enough times to do the layout.  I could move the 2 with pink centers toward the outside edge but I'll look at it this morning and decide.
I had a good day yesterday.  The sun was shining and it was cool out so I baked 3 batches of cookies, dug out all of the renegade raspberry plants that have migrated over from my neighbor's yard and worked on this quilt.
I promised a photo of the new table and chairs.  The table is 42" square and I can get 2 chairs in on a side so I could easily seat 6.  I thought maybe even 8 but I think there would be lots of knees bumping into each other then.  If only it would look this clean and uncluttered all of the time.  The door to my studio is to the right and I tend to let things wander out of there into the kitchen.


  1. The color in the kitchen shows you on going interest in color. The table really fits the space well. The layout is perfect. Have a Great day sewing it is raining here. Chris

  2. Oh Wanda I'm gushing over what I hope is your final layout. This very well could be my favorite quilt to date. :) What a beautiful photo of your new table and chairs. Great room!!!

  3. The layout looks good. Those pink blocks do seem to jump out a bit. I might replace them with something a bit more muted since they do that.

  4. Love the the quilt, and the table is cute too!

  5. The final layout looks great! I wouldn't change a thing. The pink does stand out, but it's okay. I love you new kitchen table and chairs. Nice job putting those together!

  6. Spectacular quilt! I can't stop looking at it.

  7. Beautiful layout Wanda! I'm not sure if I notice the pink just because you mentioned them. Wonderful new kitchen furniture, looks perfect.

  8. Your layout is wonderful. I noticed the pinks also (it might have been since you mentioned it). My personal thought is moving one so they aren't in the same diagonal row.

  9. LOve the diamonds and the new kitchen set. Sometimes simple is best!

  10. love your dinning area - I wish mine wasn't so small - my table is too big for it.
    The final layout looks wonderful - it makes me want to plan a quilt just like it when I get home :)
    (too many other projects in the works though right now)

  11. It feels more balanced now. Still random, but balanced.
    Love the colour in your kitchen! Why are we not surprised?!

  12. What a cute kitchen dining room! I love the wall color and the dark wood of your new table.

  13. Beautiful Quilt, Wanda. Absolutely Beautiful.
    VERY NICE table, too D)

  14. I think this is the best layout too.
    The kitchen set looks great, love the dark wood.

  15. I have been watching you play with the diamonds and I love the way you have it on the design wall now.
    Nice new table and chairs.
    Really llike the colour of your walls.

  16. The quilt looks wonderful. You will have it finished in no time at all. I also love the table and chairs. They look perfect for the space. Another project done for you and now onto your others. I love that you are not afraid to use color.

  17. The layout looks good. Of course, when you mentioned the pinks they jumped out at me.

  18. I am not in love with the pinks either, but then pink is a color that I never use, so there you go. Very ambitious and lovely quilt! --Annette

  19. I like this quilt.It's scrappy and colourful, right up my street. Looks like I will have to add one to my list.

  20. The diamond layout looks great! And I finally remembered what those new dining chairs reminded me of - the chairs that teachers had at their desks when I was in elementary school (more years ago than I care to remember - LOL). So see, it IS a classic design.

  21. Hi Wanda,
    Love that quilt-top-to-be. Those pinks did jump out at me, so migrating them closer to the edges makes sense. Are the edge triangles chopped off to square it, or will you be adding triangle edges to finish it off?

    Your dining room looks warm and inviting with the new table.
    Take care.

    Vicky F

  22. The table and chairs look very accomadating. The quilt top lay out looks good to me - just love all that colour!

  23. Lovely dining area.

    I think four times is enough times but I know you'll do it until you think it's right!

  24. The diamond quilt is gorgeous and so is the dining area. The table looks beautiful against the rich colors in the room. It looks like a very inviting space.
    I can relate to migrating spaces.


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