
Monday, August 29, 2011

Trial layout...........

I was way too tired to do any sewing so I just played with the layout of the equilateral triangles.  I hadn't decided how often the black ones would be in there so I took one triangle of each fabric and a handful of black and several black paisley and put them on a design wall.  I still have 4 more fabrics to cut plus I have a few older fabrics that I think will nice with this selection so I'll probably add them.  At this point I think it will just be a totally random layout and will look like a scrap quilt.

Everything but 2 items is out of Dad's apartment now and I have the Lifeline equipment boxed up and ready to take to the post office today.  I need to deliver some little cans of pop to Dad so I will see how he has adjusted after a day at the assisted living.  Where has August gone?  I feel like the month was stolen away from me.


  1. The black triangles really set the colors off, looks great. It sure seems like August flew by to me too!

  2. The random black is really sticking. Anytime mving happens it is overwhelming. Rest up. Chris

  3. Take some time for yourself. You sound worn out. Glad you are gettting your father settled. Change is always hard.
    Take care

  4. I'm not sure where August went either... do like the way this quilt is shaping up... the triangle cuts make a cool pattern... and the blacks are perfect with all the prints...

    Take some time for yourself and rest, you busy woman you!

  5. I hope Dad loves it there.

    I know how you feel. I lost most of July and part of August. now the corner is turning and September will be here in what seems like five minutes.

  6. You gave August with a big heart. AND I can understand feeling like it was stolen from you. Some of each, I guess.

    What I see in this early arrangement of triangles is that the black triangles jump out a lot. Maybe because there is such a huge value difference between the black and the next-darkest? Then I see that (right now) the black ones are all point-downwards, which may be random, but maybe not random enough. I wonder what would happen if you let all the other prints be random, but did something deliberate with the black. A few big triangles made of four, or hexagons made of six?

    Random looks okay for the prints, but I think those black triangles need to be tamed! Ignore me if you want to, of course, and I won't mind in the least, lol. But an old art teacher of mine once said, "Sometimes it helps to have something to push against."

    I hope that August turns out to have been an investment of time that ultimately frees you up, some. I am rooting for you.

  7. Love the triangles. Hope your dad is adjusting well at his new home.

  8. I always love scrappy quilts - love the random placement of colors. Hope your dad will be happy in his new place.

  9. I hope your dad settles in quickly.

    I just love watching you play with colour.

  10. Don't you think our midwestern term "pop" is more fun than "soda?" :)

    I, too, hope your dad has a really good experience in his new place.

  11. I like the triangles expecially with the black. Yes, where has August gone. I have had so many tests and have seen so many doctors that the month disappeared and the craziness continues. More appointments this week and surgery soon. I will probably lose September also. I am hoping that you Dad is content in his new surroundings.

  12. What size did you cut your triangles? I really like the look you have going on the design wall.
    My first time posting here, but it sounds like you have had a stressful August. Wishing you a peaceful September!

  13. Seems that time flies when lots happens, so if you write down all that did occur in August, it might give a sense of getting it back? Hope so, and taking care of your dad was a big event. True giving always produces a sense of sacrifice. Hugs!

  14. I wondered how you were planning to lay these out. They sure do look good! The black solids sort of POP them out, don't they?

  15. I agree with you about was gone in a 'blink'!
    Sounds like you need a vacation Wanda!!!!!

    Love the triangles!!!

  16. Wanda, the black triangles are really wonderful. They add a very interesting visual effect. Can't wait to see more.


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