
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Another busy day..............

I can't do a post without a photo so here is a little of my stash.  The fabric up on end on the right on the top shelf is the Liberty of London that I am cutting into equilateral triangles.  Next to it is Martha Negley prints.  The rest is Kaffe Fassett and Brandon Mably fabric.
My company left yesterday morning so I had sheets to wash along with my dad's laundry.  We are moving Dad to an assisted living facility today.  It is a better fit than the nursing home.

I have a bridal shower at my house next Sunday so I'm starting to work on the grass that hangs over the edges of my sidewalk.  When I get that all pulled out I have to clear the front of my flower bed so I can move all of the pots from my front steps to the garden.  I need to have the steps and porch cleaned off for easy access to my front door.  It is going to get hot later in the week so I'll work on this project in the morning while it is cool.  I'll leave the final cleaning of the living/dining room until Thurs. when it sounds like I'll have the a/c turned on.


  1. I have to say that I admire people who are able to keep a stash neat. When I get in creative mode, I grab and throw and mine stays a mess more than it stays neat.

    I hope Dad likes the assisted living. I know with a friend's father, it was a perfect fit and he was very happy there.

  2. hope you dad will be happy with his accommodations and help. Such a nice colorful stash.

  3. Wonderful shelving. Was it made specially for this purpose?

  4. Hope the move goes well and that your father settles in easily to the assisted living place.

    Love all those stashed fabrics... beautiful just arranged like that...

  5. Playing catch up here... The diamonds are really lloking great as they grow.

    I, too, love the Alexander Henry fabrics. I have quite a few of them, but that one is really wonderful.

    So glad that you are getting your dad into a better fit for all of you.

    Hope you can complete all of the gardening before the heat hits.

  6. Sigh....I wish even a portion of my stash looked that neat. Oh well, I did clean off my cutting table in order to start a new big project and that is a wonderful feeling. My new big project involves Philip Jacobs poke your eyes out bright florals with some K Fassett sort of coordinating equally bright fabrics. Yowza!

  7. Wanda you are one busy lady! Love your stash and hope you have time to sew after you get all your chores done. It is good to hear that you can move your Dad to an assisted living home instead of a nursing home.

  8. I look forward to the day when I have a stash I can just pull from to make things. At the moment I buy what I need for each project and usually have some left over afterward.
    Wishing you luck with your fathers move to assisted living. The places can be so nice and homelike and the people there are able to socialize more then they would get to at home. *smile*

  9. I like your stash arrangement. I have plastic bins piled on wire shelving, but the stacks of fabric in many of the bins far exceeds the height of the bin itself!

  10. Your do have a lovely organised stash Wanda.

    Hope Dad is happy in his new accomadation.

    You may need to get your garden done early before the heat.

  11. What did you say? I couldn't hear you, I was too busy drooling over your stash.

    Seriously, though, it sounds like you are planning your work and working your plan. Always a good idea, even if I don't always do it.

  12. Amazing stash! Love all the beautiful colors. Hope everything goes smoothly with your dad's move.

  13. HI Wanda,
    Love the colorful stash display. So much better than hiding it in bins! Doesn't it make you want to start digging through them, though?

    If your dad is an outgoing guy, he should love the assisted care place. My great uncle moved himself to one before the need to have others make the decision, and he was the darling of the place.

    Take care.
    Vicky F

  14. I love your orderly stash. I love all the bright, strong colors, too. Hope your dad eases into the new place easily.


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