
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Diamond progress again......

I have only sewn a few more diamonds since the last photo.  I had to switch over to house cleaning mode.  I will have company staying with me from Sat. through Wed. so the guest bedroom will get its annual vacuuming.  Well that might be an exaggeration.  It probably gets vacuumed a little more than that.  I have one corner of clutter that will finally get cleaned up.  I always need a deadline to make it happen.
I like a clean dish towel every day so I finally went to day of the week towels.  When you are retired you don't look at the calendar as often.  I need all the help I can get!


  1. When you get done cleaning at your house I only live an hour away you can come help me. LOL My Aunt use to say clean after the company left. I never could do that. Hope you have a nice visit. The diamonds are lovely. Chris

  2. Love the progress on the diamond quilt!! It is looking beautiful! I think it is so funny that you are doing the annual vacuuming. I think I need to adopt that philosophy for our guest bedroom... LOL. I think that the day of the week dish towels is a stroke of genius! I always like a clean one too.

  3. The diamonds are looking good... my daily dose of KF gorgeousness!

    Day of the week kitchen towels, huh? Good idea...

  4. I fear I will not be able to read your blog again without singing "Wan da Wa ah ah an da" in my head.

    Didn't you love that song?

  5. Your diamonds are coming along beautifully. Nothing like guests coming to cause house cleaning - that's when mine usually gets done too - lol!

  6. Your diamonds look great.
    I was vaccuuming - a long time ago - and one of my kid's asked if we were having company. Love the day of the week towels!

  7. I found your blog through The Curious Quilter, and I really am inspired! Your cobblestones are simply wonderful. 'Wanda quilts and we wanna quilt too' - for sure!!

    J. Johnson

  8. have fun with your company - love the diamonds.

  9. Gorgeous diamonds!!! I love the daily dishtowels too.

  10. I like those diamonds very much, might have a go at those. Here I never wear a watch as time seems so irrelavent, sometimes we have to sit and think what day of the week it is also.

  11. Your diamonds are looking great.
    Enjoy your visitors.

  12. oh oh oh wait for meeeeee!! My jumbo diamond die comes ups today!! I'm going to catch up with you lollolol :o) I'm going to start cutting as soon as it's delivered. using my 1.5" strip cutter for the outline strips. are you using fq's for the strips??

    so exciting to finally cut in to all these martha negley fabs-they are sooooo beautiful!!

    how your dad today? amie in tn. :o)

  13. Ah, that's my problem! I don't look at the calendar enough anymore. :) I think I will use your dish towel idea to give myself a boost. Thanks!

  14. Love the cleaning about a Progressive Cleaning Party..You know, like the Progressive Dinners where you eat the salads at one house, main meal at another, and dessert at the last. You could have several people go to the first house and clean one or two rooms (owner picked, of course), onto another house with it's choices, and the final house do several more rooms and have a ready to rest party...

  15. Oh boy do I ever love your diamonds! The borders you selected really make them pop. The whole thing glows (in a good way). Look forward to seeing its progression as you work on it.

  16. Wanda, you are so funny! And those diamonds are really looking good. How nice it is that you have the design walls to work on more than one project at a time.

  17. I hear you on not looking at calendars so often - I ask myself at least once every day what day it is! And as for knowing the date ...!

    Have a wonderful time with your guests.


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