
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Colorwash and other things........

A blogging friend of mine also does the colorwash/watercolor style quilt.  She has started a tutorial for one way to make them.  I made this one following directions by Deanna Spingola and then added my own free form raw edge applique.  Debbie has added some wonderful applique to a lot of her pieces too so you should scroll down through some of her previous posts too.  I have 2" strips of floral fabric available in my blog shop, Wandaful Quilts.  Scroll down to the second post from the top.  If you go to a store to buy fabric 1/8 is the least you can buy so buying 2" strips will save you a lot of money.

I brought home the flannel and denim quilt I made for my parents about 12 years ago.  I figured this was a good time to wash it.  It is a lap quilt and Dad uses it a lot.  I won't take it to the nursing home because it would disappear over there.  Dad is doing OK.  He seems to be adjusting to the schedule there.  It is right next door to his apt. building so he is still just 2 minutes from my house.  He will be getting a lot of physical therapy to strengthen his legs and maybe will be able to go back to his apt. after his 20 days there.  We caught the pneumonia in the early stage so he didn't have any ill effects from it.


  1. Glad to hear your father is doing o.k. & is still close.

    Love the quilt that you made for your parents/ Were the embroideries done on denim?

  2. Thank you Wanda, I went over to the tutorial and I'm so impressed with her quilts. I'll be following her. I'm glad to hear your Dad's doing O.K.

  3. that is nice that your dad will be so close by it won't be any trouble to check on him now and then more than once a day if you feel the need. Isn't it a pity that you can't leave his quilt with him though for fear it might disappear! what an age we live in.

  4. So glad to hear your father is doing well! Thanks for the link to the tutorial. Your quilts (both old and new) are beautiful!!

  5. Beautiful quilts! Darn, it makes me want to run out and buy fabric for a colour wash quilt. Glad to hear that your Dad is doing well.

  6. I'm glad to hear that your dad is doing okay and is close by!

    Your colourwash quilt is beautiful - please stop inspiring me! LOL

    I am also a follower on Debbie's blog and she's just as "bad"!!

  7. I hope your daddy gets better, and you take care of yourself. You are lucky to have him.

  8. Pleased Dad is improving. Nice that he is still close to you.
    Beautiful colourwash.

  9. I like your colorwash quilt. Something new to try! It sounds like your father is comfortable with the changes he's facing. I know he appreciates knowing you're there for him.

  10. Also glad to hear that your dad is doing okay. What a blessing that he is close by and that he may be able to go home!

    Continued best wishes to you both.

  11. So glad to hear that your dad is doing better. It's great that he is still so close to you and his own place.

    The watercolor quilt looks so pretty. I have always thought about doing one of them, but never gave it a go. I love your appliqued flowers.

    I am sure that your dad loves his quilt. It is a good time to clean it up and have it fresh and ready for his return.

  12. Thank you, Wanda. I do want to try the colorwash technique, and I've looked at yours more than once. Still working up courage. LOL

    Glad your Dad is better and I love his quilt. Those embroidery squares really do make it sing!

    And I'm so jealous. Your weather button in the sidebar says 68. Mine says 91. I am SO ready for fall!

  13. Great link and her quilts are FAB!!!
    Glad to hear your DAD is doing ok....and yes, you are right about his cute little lap quilt disappearing at the nursing home!!

  14. Thanks for the update on your Dad. I'm so glad that he is doing better. I can see why he loves this quilt!

  15. I'm so glad your father is recovering!
    I'm always fascinated by the colour wash quilts. Yours is quite striking!

  16. I'm trying hard not to be offended but I was a nursing manager in a long term care facility for many years and our residents had many lovely things. They did not dissapear!

  17. Sounds like good news all around. I'm so glad he can be someplace so close to you and his home. Wishing you and your father many good days ahead.

  18. I'm glad your dad is improving. It's hard to believe that someone would steal his quilt, so I hope he returns home so he can enjoy it again.

  19. Hey Wanda, I'm so glad your Dad is doing good and right 'round the corner from you! It's amazing how well he does at his age, he must be a tough guy :o) Amie in tn.

  20. Glad to hear your dad's doing better. It's no fun worrying about them, is it? Hope he continues to improve!

  21. LOVE the colorwash quilt! I dream of making one.


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