
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dad update~ups and downs

I went to the hospital early to be there when the Dr. came in.  Dad didn't know me....a real shock to me.  I went back later at 10:15 and he did know me, whew!  I can see it's going to be a roller coaster ride.  The next battle is to see if they can get him up walking today.  They are suggesting a nursing home.  For anyone new reading my blog, Dad is 97 1/2 so we are lucky he has been able to live in an independent living building this long.


  1. Both of you are in my prayers, and the doctors too. May you experience God's peace in this...

  2. Hi Wanda,
    I am sorry to hear of your dad's illness - You do a marvelous job of taking care of him- he is lucky to have you and you are blessed to have had him for so many years.
    Sending you warm thoughts and good wishes,

  3. A blessing he's lived independently so long. My in-laws are still in their home at 94 & 96!

  4. I hope he'll adjust to a nursing home. It sounds like he needs more attention at this time. I hope he'll improve once he leaves the hospital. Hugs for you as this is an emotional time.

  5. Lots of Ups 'n Downs
    Very Strong Positive Thoughts for all the family, Wanda.

  6. U r right...the rollercoaster ride. The shock of their changing from one minute to the next. Very close to home here. Thinking of you.

  7. I'm glad you are close at hand, I hope my dad lives this long and this independent.

  8. You are in my thoughts. I know what you are going through and it is tough!

  9. My mother turned 101 yesterday. It has been a long slog, getting her to accept the nursing home. I was able to care for her in her own home, up to a year ago. I visit her every evening for 2-3 hours. I understand what you're going through. Hopefully, friends and family are telling you what a great job you're doing. But, it doesn't remove the constant concern. Hang in there! And, best wishes that all turns out successfully.
    --Annette in Omaha

  10. Wow, why the difference? Has he ever not recognized you before? Or did they give him a sleeping pill? I hope everything continues to go well for him.

  11. Wanda, It is hard to make that decision, but your health and frustration would take it's toll on you if you try and do it yourself. He maybe is having small strokes and or the meds he is on. Hard to now. Don't envy the changes maybe facing you. Hang in there. Chris

  12. Oh, Wanda. I just can't tell you how much I feel for you. As you know, my dad is just a year or two younger than yours, and this all strikes way too close for comfort.

    Please, please take care of yourself while all this is going on. It's too easy to forget to do that when you have so much else on your mind.

  13. I am so sorry that this is happening, but I know how well your father has been cared for to date and I know you will make the best choices for his future care.

  14. That had to scare you a bit. My Mom (87) does not recognize my voice on the phone now and that scares me. I can not imagine how I will feel when or if she ever gets to not recognize me. Thank goodness he got over it but it probably will happen from time to time now.

    I know just being in new surroundings is difficult for elderly people so that my be contributing to his confusion.

    Take care.

  15. This is so hard on you -- and your Dad. I wonder if the meds they gave him in hospital had an effect that caused him to not recognize you. You're in my thoughts.

  16. Wanda, it is good to hear that he did know you this afternoon! You have been very fortunate that he has been able to live in an independent living building. I sure hope he will be able to walk and be on his own again.

  17. Will be keeping you and your father in my prayers. This will be an adjustment for him but hopefully he will accept it and settle into his new place. It is hard when our parents get older and depend on us to make the decisions but are not happy sometimes with has to be.

    Take care - Lynn

  18. he is older than I thought - I was thinking 90 for some reason. Yes it is lucky he hasn't had to be in a nursing home. I will have a hard time to adjust to that when it is my mothers turn for something like that.

  19. If you do decide to put him into a nursing home, check out a few. There are good ones and there are better ones. My mom is now in quite a good one and I do not worry about her.

  20. Sending all good thoughts, wishes and prayers your way. Take good care of yourself as well as your dear Dad; he's so fortunate to have you.

  21. There's just no easy way to do any of it. As my aunt told me, "Getting old is not for sissies". True. Praying for you and your dad.

  22. These things are so difficult...I pray everything works out as well as it possibly can.

  23. I know that roller coaster ride. It's not much fun. Hoping that everything will work out. I am going to visit my mother at the nursing home tomorrow and I have no idea if she will recognize me or not. Take care, Wanda.

  24. It's never easy, this stage of our parents' life. My thoughts are with you and the family, Wanda.

  25. Wanda I hope your dad continues to get better, you've been a blessing to him. A nursing home is a tough decision to make but whatever you decide, please remember to take care of yourself too! God's blessings...


  26. My dad will be 98 next month and he still lives at home with caregivers 24/7 as he is nearly blind and pretty hard of hearing. I also feel totally blessed that he is still on this earth even tho his life is getting so much more difficult. HE is not ready to let go.

    Best wishes to you and your family!

  27. I am praying that you father keeps improving. It is so wonderful that you still have a parent alive. As a parent/person who is going through some trying times with my health it is wonderful to have my children around me and all my great friends also. Enjoy your day today.

  28. Thinking of you both Wanda. I hope your dad improves quickly!

  29. Sorry to hear about this.... will add you to my prayers. Hugs to you!

  30. It must have been quite a shock when he didn't know you. I am sure that a strange place is adding to his confusion. Praying for an ease in the decisions that need to be made, Wanda.

  31. Thinking of you and your dad - I'm glad he's in good hands, and with you at his side. Take care of yourself.


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