
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Almost there.......

The garage sale is over, I really did well considering how little I had to sell.  I have only a small amount left over to get rid of.  For everyone who thought the king size quilt I sold for a dollar was something they would want to own, I need to clarify that most of the blues have faded to a dull gray, it was done in a quilt as you go method 37 years ago and the batting was pulling loose in places.  It was not a pretty heirloom quilt but an attempt early in my quilting career.  It was only worth $1, please believe me.
Last night I worked some more on the ditch quilting of the zig zag quilt and only have 3 more lines to do and then I can put on the binding.
Here is another piece I found in the attic.  I had forgotten that I had done so much crocheting.  This is about 32" x 45" so it can be used to cover feet or wrap a baby.  I just need to weave in all of the ends.  I don't have any more of the yarn so this is it.

It turned hot and sticky yesterday so I was glad that my neighbor's brother offered to mow my lawn.  I didn't have the energy to do it.


  1. I still think that to own one of your quilts, even if it's your first and lovingly used, would be an honour! As for the little crocheted blanket... You could donate it to an animal shelter. They are always looking for soft things for pets to sleep on.

  2. One of my first crochet projects was a very complicated Southwestern afghan that needed the long strips joined and ends woven in to finish. And I NEVER did! I think I finally just tossed it. Finishing is the pits.

    btw....this is why "cooler by the lake" is a wonderful thing. Our wind has been NNE and no humidity to speak of. It's quite wonderful.

  3. I know what you mean about the quilt. I have tossed a few of my early attempts in the Goodwill Bag quite a few years ago when I was cleaning out.

  4. Doesn't it feel great to be almost finished with the quilting? It looks great.

    It's amazing what one digs up when we start cleaning out. The crocheted piece looks wonderful.

  5. Glad your sale went well. Your quilt looks nice....another one almost finished! I decided I need to declare a binding week as i have several that are finished except for bindings.

  6. I really should have a yard sale, but it's too much work.
    You could make a great pillow from that crocheted piece. Just find a coordinating fabric for the back side.

  7. I love the sumptuous fat loop-de-loops in the quilt pictured in the photo.

  8. It's always SUCH a relief to have things out of the house that you really don't need, isn't it? And it's good to think that someone will actually get some use out of those same things.

    YOur zig zag is looking really pretty. And your crochet - wow! Maybe a newborn nursery? There are also ministries that would love to have something like that for baby burials. You can do a google search if you don't know what to do with it. One of my sweet neighbors belongs to a church group does a lot of that.

  9. I come from a long line of frugal folks who can't stand to get rid of anything. When I finally do start clearing out those things I never use, I always feel like I've accomplished something major. Your loop de loop quilting really looks good.

  10. I need to have a garage sale, but some nice weather would be a good start. Another rainy day up in the nw. My poor veggies need a row boat, but it makes for guilt free quilting days!

  11. What fun it is to see what you are running across in your attic. Brings back memories for me too.

    Always enjoy seeing up close and personal photo's of your work in progress.

    I guess I have been using "pop up" comment all these years and didn't know it. This past spring... they want us to sign up if we don't have a blog ourselves. On those days I do not send in a comment.


  12. I am glad that your garage sale was a success. On your crocheted piece, why not crochet around it with yarn that would go with it. Project Linus or one of those organizations would love to have it if you don't have a use for it. Enjoy Sunday!!!


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