
Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day gift..............

One of my gifts was a new top for the pool table, sturdier than the piece of blue foam board that used to top it (supported by stacks of books in the well of the table).  I told my son I would like a piece of good quality plywood with a finish on it.  He went one step further and put strips around it to make it more sturdy.  Now I have a firm surface to cut on that looks like a piece of fine furniture!  Without replacing the rubber the table isn't usable as a pool table so I am guilt free using it for cutting.
I have added my ruler rack to the end and moved the mat in so I have some space to the left to support the fabric that I'm working with.
The redbuds are in full bloom now but this photo was taken at dusk yesterday and doesn't show the beautiful color.  I'll have to take another photo today.


  1. you have a good and thoughtful son! He knows his mother's heart!

  2. What a great addition to your studio! Congratulations!

  3. Who would have thought a piece of plywood, would be such a great gift! Hannah

  4. What a wonderful gift. I know it is something that you will really enjoy using.

  5. What a wonderful way to repurpose a pool table! And what a good Mother's day gift!


  6. I was thinking the very same thing as Quiltdivajulie. :) What a wonderfully big work area, too!!

  7. What a wonderful Mother's Day gift! Definitely more sturdy than blue foam board and should last a very long time. How nice to have such a large area to work with.
    The redbud is gorgeous! They are one of my favorite trees.

  8. What a beautiful work table! And I love the under-the-table storage - waste no space!

  9. Now that's a good gift! It's also the very best use for a pool table.

  10. what great use for an unused pool table!

  11. What a fabulous way to make use of that pool table!

  12. Perfect table...a son to be proud of. What comes around goes around...see how you looked after your Mom, and still your Dad? What a great example to your own kids!

  13. What a perfect gift for a quilting mom! Love it...

  14. Great gift! I know some women want jewelry, but I'd take quilting accessories anytime. :)

  15. I've been using an old ping pong table with a cutting mat. Your new cover looks just wonderful, all finished sleek and beautiful! What a wonderful gift.
    Your redbud looks lovely at dusk. It's amazing how things continue to grow even with days and days and days of rain.

  16. What an awesome gift!!!!! You know you will be able to use that one! And love it too.

  17. These are the things that make us happy on long term.

  18. Lucky you - what a great job he did. Your studio space continues to amaze me, pool tables are big!! I know you'll love it.

  19. Lucky you - what a great job he did. Your studio space continues to amaze me, pool tables are big!! I know you'll love it.

  20. What a great gift and I am sure you will give it heaps of use.

  21. It is a blessing to have thoughtful children. You will enjoy this for many years always with the reminder he did this for you.

  22. That is great! I love it when something that is not really useful gets used. I just don't like waste. And the redbuds are so pretty. I miss mine.

  23. What aw wonderfully big table!! And a gorgeous bush too!!

  24. That's a great gift. Lucky you, so much space to use for cutting.

  25. Great idea! nice storage underneath too!

  26. What a great idea to utilize your unused pool table! That's a thoughtful gift from your son.

  27. That looks great and so convienent. I put a piece of MDF (6x4) on an old dresser. It gives me lots of drawer space plus hangs over about 2' on one side giving me space for more storage. I like using furniture for sewing.

  28. What a fantastic son. That was really a great gift and a great way to use the pool table that isn't.

    I love the red buds. Sure wish I had some here. I have a flowering crab blooming right now and it is an old one so is quite large.

  29. What a great idea. I've always wanted a large permanent table to cut fabric on, with no other purpose but for me!

    Lucky Lady!
    xx, Carol


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