
Sunday, May 15, 2011

From another angle........

This is how I viewed this piece as I was designing it.  I have been showing it to you turned a quarter turn to the right because that is how it will hang if I like it in the spot I'm designing it for.

I have sewn the pieces into blocks in the top 2 rows.  It is pretty boring sewing so I can't stick with it too long; maybe 12 blocks a day is enough.  I started vacuuming the basement and then I remembered I can't vacuum near this wall or the pieces will blow off the board.  Also I have printed a photo so I can remember the orientation of each block as I return it to the wall.


  1. Perfect reason not to vacuum bt sew instead!

  2. I have a project on my wall that has 420 hst units. I've told my husband that he had better not even think about opening a window in my sewing room for "cross ventilation" unless he really wants to get into trouble!

  3. I just love this one circles are wonderful. I have a few in a box that have to be put together.

  4. The circles are just amazing... one's eyes just flows around the quilt, taking in all the colors and shapes...

    Good idea to take a photo "just in case"...

  5. Such wonderful color play! I love seeing this one.

  6. I guess that someone is telling you that life is too short to spend time cleaning!!! It looks awesome!

  7. This one is gorgeous! I've loved watching it grow and change!

  8. Very nice.....makes me need to get back to my asian circles. I have been too busy the past week to sew at all. Sad.

  9. Very nice quilt- I love the pattern. I picked up a fat quarter bundle of batiks yesterday at Millhouse Quilts and now I need to decide what to make with them! Love the variety of colors I have.

  10. I agree with Charlotte although I'm going to have to break out the vacuum later today. Your layout is fantastic. Lots of beautiful shimmery spots all over the quilt top like moon glow.

  11. Wanda,

    I really like this arrangement.

    Lucy M

  12. That's a wonderful reason why not to vacuum. My excuse lately is I don't feel like it and so I don't. I love this quilt and need to buy the templates so that I too can make one of these. Thanks again for inspiration.

  13. Nice! It's sort of like a solar system isn't it. I have to remember the vacuuming thing around my design wall too. It's full right now.

  14. This gets more beautiful (if that's possible)each time I look at it! It is just so stunning. I wish it were mine. :)

  15. Fabulous Wanda even before it's all together!


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