
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Visit from a blogger friend

My blogger friend from FL who visited me yesterday had sent me all of these left over pieced squares  that she was done playing with a few weeks ago.  You can see I am having fun with them.

She also sent all of the triangles she hadn't sewn yet plus a bag of more squares to cut.  She knew this was something I would have fun with.  I asked what I could send in return and she said batik and Kaffe scraps, but don't send too much.

I was sure I hadn't sent her enough and told she could ask for more and I would send it.  It was a joy to have her come to my house and go through the Kaffe scraps and choose some she liked.  I'm so glad she let me know she would be in this area.


  1. Nice to be able to share with someone. Especially that has your taste in fabrics. Like a little kid going to a candy store. Have fun! Chris

  2. Ooh, I can only imagine going through your scraps. What fun!

  3. that would be fun going through scraps!

  4. A scrap swap with Wanda! Now that sounds entertaining. Sign me up!

  5. I trust she didn't turn up her nose at any piles of fabric that might have been lying around?

    I'm glad the visit went well. There's always some uncertainty when you are about to meet someone for the first time, and it's such a delight when two people "click".

  6. Hmmm, mayhaps I need to plan a long weekend? Swapping scraps and stash can be such a creative boost!

    So glad the two of you had a wonderful visit.

  7. Love this version of the zigzag quilt - it is talking to me and telling me to go through my stash and cut some fabrics up -- LOL!

  8. What fun! So glad you got to spend some time with a like-minded friend.


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