
Monday, April 11, 2011

Nothing new.........

I sewed a few more rows of the zig zag quilt but I didn't get it to the photo stage.

I arranged these little blocks (3") into a pleasing arrangement for a centerpiece/hot mat but didn't sew them yet.  I think the weather was making me tired.  We were in the 40s on Friday and 83 degrees yesterday.  Too much barometric pressure change.

Someone at Comcast cancelled my appt. (without calling to tell me) so now they are coming Tues.  An automated call came yesterday for me to confirm the appt. and when the live person came on and verified my address she said "Oh the appt. has been cancelled, did they call you?".  Evidently they were watching my modem and saw that it came back on after 7 hours and cancelled.  This lady said I definitely need an updated modem though.


  1. Don't you just love computerized customer service? Hopefully they will show up on Tuesday!

  2. That's a huge change in weather! Did you get a migraine from it?

  3. Oh I totally dig this layout with the lime in it, too! What a major change in the weather. I wouldn't be feeling so well either. And gosh I don't like Comcast myself but there's no choice the darn people!

  4. Love your little square blocks, we had the same weather here and couldn't believe the change. Hope you get a new modem soon, we've had internet problems too but since we live in the country it won't change much.

  5. I am ready for some of that heat. I am tired of the cooler than normal temperatures.

    Good luck with the new modem....and the appointment.

  6. I with you on the huge swing in temperature. Yesterday it was really humid too. It is suppose to be in the upper 50's the rest of the week here which is fine with me.

  7. Cute little center piece...

    I don't think I will ever be able to have cable where I live. They boast about it on commercials as to how much faster it is than anything else out there.

    Don't you wish their repair service was as fast...

    I am lucky to have DSL !


  8. Comcast ... love/hate relationship no matter where you live! They do the most arbitrary things.

    Weather is wacky here, too. Very hard on the sinuses and body.

    Take care!!!

  9. It sure started out to be a wonderful day and then the humidity started to set in. Since I have breathing problems that was the end of my day. Instead I crocheted a cat bed for a gift with scraps of fleece. I am glad that the weather has changed back to spring.

    I hope your computer problems get fixed this coming week as there is nothing worse than not having a computer that is up and running.

  10. I work for Comcast. I am sorry about the cancelled appointment. Feel free to reach to me should you need further assistance after your service appointment tomorrow.

    Comcast Corp.
    National Customer Operations


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