
Thursday, April 28, 2011

The next project......

I like to have my next project lined up so when I have a few spare minutes I can start working on it.  I must quilt some quilts before I can start on this one, but maybe I'll do some cutting a little at a time.  I have both sets of acrylic templates.

On the weather report last night they said we have had rain on 20 days in April. That is only 7 that didn't have rain, so you know how little sunshine we've had this month.  They have predicted several days of sunshine starting Friday so that will really make it feel like spring is here.


  1. I love your fabric choices! I have gotten into a curved piecing kick... and really enjoyed it. I think your next project is going to be beautiful!

  2. National news said we have had 128% more rain this month than what we had this time last month. Your area was included. Fabrics are beautiful. Anxious to see your quilt when done. Chris

  3. Love the colors and new pattern you have lined up. The rain is crazy. But then you know what will happen, we will end up with no rain and burnt grass over the summer.

  4. Push the rain down here! We need it!

  5. Your fabrics are fabulous and I'm anxious to see the process for using these templates and putting this quilt together. Like Quiet Quilter above, our area desperately needs some of your excess rain.

  6. Those are going to be really pretty. I have 3 quilt tops lined to be quilted. I either have to send them out or do them on my regular machine which I don't enjoy.
    It's fun to do some cutting and have it all ready though for when the piecing fever hits.

  7. Love your new project! Those fabrics are so colourful.

  8. love that stack of fabric!!!

  9. Love those batiks you've chosen for the next project! Hope the prediction of sun comes true tomorrow. Today it's very grey and windy here.

  10. That is going to be a stunner! I really like each and every one of the fabrics you've chosen.

    (My offer still stands on the trade of sunshine for rain. LOL!)

  11. You know how the sunshine states get theri statistics for number of sunny days. If the sun shines during the day - at all - they count it as a sunny day. I think that is a good philosophy.

  12. Hi Wanda,
    Rain, rain, go away. Lots of flooding around here; luckily my basement is still dry...

    Looks like a very interesting new project you're going to start.

    Vicky F

  13. I love the batiks and also love the pattern that you are going to use. I am working on a quilt with batiks and I love them. In fact I am going to buy some batik fabric for the back of a quilt that I am making. You always amaze me with the energy you have for sewing, sewing sewing!!!!

    Yes, it is a great day to finally see the sun.

  14. I just finished a crazy curves quilt myself. Luv them. The batiks will be wonderful.

  15. Yummy fabrics! I recently did a Crazy Curves quilt, it's in the pile of to-be-quilted. I love the process, especially the arranging and re-arranging when the blocks are made. Mine were 7" blocks, haven't tried the teeny, tiny ones like yours will be!


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