
Friday, April 22, 2011

2011 Journal Quilt 15

I hope no one was expecting a white background behind those flowers, LOL!!!  You know me, busy quilts.  I made 2 more flowers from the little strips and tacked the center in place on all 5 with a bartack on the sewing machine.  I knew I was going to put buttons on as centers so it would be covered up.
I thought about tacking down the ends but decided I really liked the floating pieces.  As I said in yesterday's post, one edge of the tiny strips is selvage so they aren't going to ravel much.

I only wanted minimal quilting so I followed the edge of some of the squares in the printed background.


  1. That boggles my mind -- well, first of all, saving those itty-bitty pieces boggles my mind, then making something out of them. If I'd saved them (which I wouldn't), they'd be in a jar just for "pretty." So cute!

  2. Too cute! Glad you got some play time to yourself.

  3. What gorgeous fabrics... and what a lovely idea!

  4. great use of the scraps - might even start saving my own after seeing this excellent work - lovely colours too! And a white backgound? As if!

  5. Great idea with the little scraps! Your journal pieces are such an inspiration.

  6. OOOOO - your flowers are so clever. BEAUTIFUL! Mind if I make some too?

  7. Well I would call that "Cute as a Button" It sure is adorable.

  8. It is sweet! I love the background and the way you left the flower petals floating. Nice.
    Happy Easter!

  9. Oh Wanda, How clever you are! I just love this and you have given me some ideas for the checkered batiks i have in my collection. I have been throwing those sized scraps in a bag along with cut threads to use as stuffing in things like dog beds. i better get back into that bag and search for treasures.

  10. They are so colorful and sweet! Absolutely no white background ... ever.

  11. Wonderful quilt! Looks like a spring garden.

  12. That is so cool. I am a saver of every little thread that I can scrounge, but have done little with any of it. I now have a direction thanks to you!

  13. Those are just awesome!!! I love everything about it.

  14. Wow! Wanda, this is Exciting ! !
    Love those petals.

  15. This is a fun one! Love your journal covers, Wanda! Happy Easter!

  16. Love the background, the pinwheels and buttons. I counted the stitches on the background. 6 tiny stitches and then turn the machine to following the colorful checkers.

    A grand piece as we enter the Easter Weekend.


  17. I love the background! If the petals ravel a bit, that would give even more texture, so ravel away! The flowers are cute, cute, cute!

  18. Love the flowers! I need to tuck this idea away for a project on my "to do" list. And no I didn't expect a white background. I love your "exuberant" use of color in all your quilting!

  19. Really love this!! adding the button was the way to go it really tops it off nice.

  20. This quilt must be brightening up any day!

  21. This is marvelous! I like the flowing and melding of colors in the background. Did you use the machine to quilt it? It stands out splendidly! Does that happen because of the color of thread or because you used a thicker thread?

  22. Awesome Quilt Wanda! Very cheerful and your exuberance abounds!

  23. That's beautiful...please tell me that you used a lovely background fabric with squares on and did not piece those tiny squares??!

  24. That is so cute, and what a great way to use such little scraps. It would never have occurred to me to save such small snippets, but I love what you've done with them.

  25. This journal cover really brightens a gloomy rainy April Day! A great way to play with some bits and pieces plus a great background .
    You never seem to run out of ideas....
    or energy.


  26. Very nice journal cover. I like the checkerboard background. Glad you had a good time with your FL blogging friend.

  27. Cute, creative, funky, definitely another winner -- and just enough quilting.
    Enjoy the Easter weekend, Wanda.

  28. What a really lovely thing you've created from something a lot of people would have thrown in the trash. I love it!

  29. Oh thanks for this! I was working on something yesterday and your journal idea became part of it. Yup, I completely stole the idea. I'll share it in a few days - with credit of course!

  30. What a great idea for those scraps. Since I have seen the journal covers that you are making, I decided to make some as Christmas gifts. This idea is fantastic as I have jars and jars of buttons. I have many black buttons so a bright checkered background would be great. Happy Easter

  31. Very cute! And yes, we know better than to expect 'blank' backgrounds from you.=)

  32. Love the little flowers, what a cute idea!

  33. Creative, adorable and fun, love it Wanda.


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