
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Class diamonds.......

Enjoy the students' design work below.  The bright one is a smaller version of the same technique, about 2/3 the height for the beginning rectangle.

The students were well prepared and got more done than I thought they would.

I didn't get a journal challenge quilt done for last week so I'll try to do 2 this week.  I went out to eat with 4 other ladies last night which was more important than meeting my self imposed deadline.


  1. Have been watching your progress with this design and really like it. Lovely results with your class also!

    Glad you were able to visit with your friends..Journals can wait...

  2. Love the work your students did! I'm glad you were able to go out with friends. Journals can wait. Everyone needs balance in his/her life.

  3. going out to eat is important! :) I just wish around here we had some better places! Every kind of fast food but other than that not a lot.

  4. I have been following your posts on this quilt. Wondering about the size of the rectangles, now I am assuming that they can be any size desired?

    Lovely, lovely work!

  5. You have to seize the moment when you can. Deadlines I believe are for when you have the time. Friend time is important!
    I like the bright quilt.

  6. Very pretty! I didn't realize you had a class in progress with this one as well.

  7. Those are all so pretty, and isn't that the good thing about sewing? When you're ready it's still right there waiting for you!

  8. Oh, those self-imposed deadlines!

    Useful for keeping oneself on track. Pesky when they interfere with our genuine priorities. Good for you, making a deliberate and clear-eyed choice!

    Fellowship is so important.

  9. Wowsa! And soooo important to have quality girlfriend time, I'd wither without it.

  10. Those look great! It looks like they are having lots of fun.

    I agree, friends are much more important that self-imposed deadlines!

  11. "You time" and "friends time" recharge the batteries, don't they? Good for you, letting the self-imposed deadlines wait a bit.

    Wonderful student projects.

  12. I just got caught up on your blog, LOVE the diamonds, what a great group you have going on there. Congrats on selling all your journals, good for you! Hope spring arrives in your corner of the world, we have frost this a.m. but the sun is now shining here in the NW.

  13. Great work they are doing - all very colourful!

  14. These are amazing. Yes, being with friends is more important than any sewing or whatever!

  15. Beautiful!!! Those are all amazing. You must be a fabulous teacher.

  16. Would love to take a class with you, Wanda. Having dinner together even more! Love these quilts. Have ordered book and hope to work on this soon. Gayle

  17. Whoa! Fantastic class Wanda. Fantastic.

  18. Having dinner out with friends is time well spent and it is good for the soul. Love the top quilt.

  19. It appears your class was very productive. The colors in their quilts are great. It is wonderful to have time with friends.

  20. This reminds me of my chessboard quilt. Looks awesome!


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