
Friday, February 18, 2011

Playing with turquoise batiks.....

If the fabric isn't blue enough for the blue shelf or green enough for the green shelf, it goes on the turquoise shelf.  I pulled all of the fabrics off the shelf and sorted through them.  I cut some of them into 6.5" squares and others went into runs of light to dark.  Just playing....... Yesterday was a busy day with embroidery club in the afternoon where we learned about the textured fabric that shrinks up and in the evening computer club where we learned a variety of things.

Today one of my grandsons turns 21.  The other one turns 21 in March.  My 23 year old granddaughter just got engaged............. lots of changes in the family, more adults, less kids.


  1. Wanda, My son turns 34 today. The colors of the fabrics and the shading are important to get the effect you are wanting. Chris

  2. nice colors.. :)
    it reminds me of the deep sea.
    If divers look below the surface to the top and see the sunlight sparkle on them ..


  3. Love turquoise. It is just the right combo of blue and green. Looking forward to seeing what you will do with them. All the changes in your family sound like really good ones, that is a blessing.

  4. So what did you think about the shrinking fabric stuff? I always want to grab every new thing that comes out, but this just doesn't ring my chimes. Love those yummy batiks!

  5. I never get tired of the batiks. I have one quilt that I did with them, but I have a small box full and I'm thinking about them.I'm not nearly as fast a s you and I'm in a bit of a lull right now as my cold has turned into pneumonia, so I'm taking pills and trying to recuperate. Yesterday I managed but 2 rows on socks.
    I'm also discovering some TV shows as I don't usually have the TV on unless I'm sick.
    I'm thinking about researching the cobblestone pattern for my batiks and Kaffe Fassett's.

  6. Gorgeous batiks! And I organize mine the same way. I have green, blue, and turquoise sections.

  7. I have a turquoise stack of batiks too. :)

  8. Congratulations on your granddaughter's engagement, Wanda! Are they getting a quilt for their wedding? Have a good weekend.

  9. I never tire of seeing batiks, the colors and patterns vary so much

  10. I do love Tourquoise and batiks.
    Remind me of the water in the caribean sea.
    Soon there will be kids again. The cycle starts again.

  11. Always fun to go window shopping on your blog. Your turquoise batiks are wonderful.

    Your grand children can not be that old ! Ours are 14, 13, 6, and 22 mos. Santa still comes and so does the Easter Bunny.


  12. OMG! I was lucky yesterday and found your wonderful blog. Everything is eye candy and inspiring. I was two hours last night jumping around your posts and links.

    I have bookmarked and will be a daily reader. You can bet on that.


    Susan, in Sparks, Nevada

  13. gorgeous fabrics, and remember more adults equals more kids again eventually!

  14. Those are glorious batiks -- turquoise is one of my favourite colours!

  15. Those are some gorgeous batiks! And I can hardly believe that my granddaughter is twenty now. What happened? Time just flew away!

  16. Before you know it, there will be kids in your family again! My niece had her first baby this morning. That makes 3 great granddaughters for my mother.


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