
Friday, February 18, 2011

2011 Journal Quilt 7

You may recognize this one from a few days ago, a found item in the bottom of a drawer.  It is a Cindy Losekamp design and I used her instructions to do the sewing machine fancy stitches to resemble branches and flowers.  I taught the class several times for our local sewing machine store.  It was about 10" x 12" so I trimmed it to 8.5" x 11" to match my other Journal Quilts.


  1. very nice and so original looking!

  2. It looks so beautiful in this format!

  3. It's pretty and isn't it fun to finish something in a different but satisfying way?

  4. Will look great with the other jounnal quilts you have made.

  5. Double clicking on your journal photo was a treat. The fancy stitching and picture creation are wonderful! Does this journal cover happen to be for sale?

  6. This is beautiful. And to think it has been hiding unfinished till now. Love it.

  7. Very pretty. Love the flowers. the ones on the back right remind me of lupines.


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