
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Another drawer, another treasure.......

I was looking through the drawer that has all of my acrylic templates in it and I found these blocks.  I only had one small strata to cut from and I had added other fabrics to the mix.  I knew I needed to add more fabrics because I only had enough strata left to cut about 4 more pieces.  These are little 6" blocks.

I tried adding more green but decided what it really needed was a nice golden brown.  I also had the little New York Beauty pieces that are cut from a batik fabric.  I would never have taken the time to piece anything that tiny. This was a good project to work on with a migraine.  My dad called me at 3:23 a.m. Fri. morning and breaking the sleep pattern almost always brings on a migraine.  Oh, and he had something that could wait until morning but he thought he should tell me about it.  I told him I would be there at 6 a.m.
Here is the finished 24" piece.  I could put borders on but to me it looks like someone with a migraine designed it so maybe yesterday wasn't a good day to work on it.

This is the acrylic template set I used.


  1. Looks great to me migraine or not. I a not a great person when I have a migraine. I have been getting up early but waking up on my own. No migraine that way. I have admiration for your talent. Chris

  2. What a gorgeous treasure to find.
    Hope you migraine has gone Wanda.
    Sorry Dad woke you so early.

  3. Hi Wanda,
    I think the little quilt is very nice.
    I thought you were being sarcastic when you said it was a good thing to work on with a migraine!
    You could bind it and be done, calling it "Migraine" (tongue in cheek).
    Or, you could add a nice woodsy border; then you could call it "Out of the Woods".

    Maybe the unstable weather added to your head woes. Hope dad is OK now.

    Vicky F

  4. Such rich colors! The addition of the brown just sets it off!

    Sorry about the migrane..hope it is gone by now..

  5. What I like, in addition to the color, is the way the brown lets your eye rest so you can study and catch the New York Beauty piecing as well as the various color in the overall piece.

    Here's hoping the migraine is drifting off and you don't have a hangover from it. (this is me raising my cup of coffee...)

  6. Migraines are the pits. I hope yours has past.

  7. Too funny about your dad. Well, not really. I suffer from migraines too, so I feel your pain and yours could have totally been avoided.

    Love those little blocks and your arrangement looks great! And you gave me a fabulous idea as to what to do with some batik fabrics I bought that have a NY Beauty sort of variation printed on them. Add another quilt to the to do list... LOL

  8. You make my least favorite colors look so appealing! I am sure you have tried every migraine remedy out there, but I will pass on what one of my daughters uses to ease migraine pain. She drinks Gatorade, but none of the 'red' flavors. She swears this helps, and we have no idea why. Hope you are feeling up to snuff soon!

  9. I don't suffer from migraines, but I suspect that some of my art work looks like someone with a migraine designs it. Unlike your work, which never fails to amaze me. In a good way.

  10. I have an entire quilt that is stashed away under the basement stairs. My 1/4" was not so 1/4" so nothing lined up right. ARRRRGH. It's in a safe place until I get my head right and can figure out how to salvage it! :-)

  11. I'll leave the design to you, Wanda.
    I love the colors, they're quite wonderful.

    Hugs to your dad,

  12. Go forth gently after the migraine...

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the little NYB additions - fabulous!

    What treasures you've found.

  13. What a treasure to find! I just bought a book on stratas and that is what I want to work on after seeing all of your beautiful creations. I hope the migraine has gone away and you have a good day.

  14. uhh, this looks soo good. love it .


  15. i love this piece!!! It reminds me of the moss that we are seeing now, peeking out from the south sides of old trees.... rich and juicy and deep.

  16. Interesting piece! Maybe you could trim it down to size and use it for your Friday art quilt? Name it "My Grain" because of the brown!?

    All my best to your dad, he's probably still missing your mom... I hope your migraine is long gone, or as they say "In the rear view" by now.


  17. I love the colors and the curves in this piece. Migrain or not, this is a great little piece. The browns are so yummy, and there is just enough green to make it all work so well.

  18. There are 3 blocks I would flip around, but other than that doesn't look too bad. You could always make it into a table runner too.

  19. It looks to me like a very talented designer designed it. I love it!

  20. Looking at your project is a reminder to me to get back to one of mine! I have those templates too, having taken a class with Louisa Smith. I put all my stuff away (it's been 2 1/2 yrs) and was just looking at it the other day thinking I needed to get back and finish the project.

  21. Your layout is great. I love the way you put together a wonderful quilt with a little of this and a little of that. I did not know there are templates available for that design technique. Sorry to read you had another migraine.

  22. I don't get migraines but if someone called me that early I probably would have.

  23. Your project reminds me that somewhere I have some strata and pieces cut for a class way back when. I think my template set was from Elisa's Backporch.
    I hope the migraine went away quickly. I admire your attempt to work through one.
    I LOL when I read the suggestion to name your project "My Grain," even though a migraine isn't funny.

  24. I really like the interest, and the rich colours.

  25. I love this little gem (amber and saphire, isn't it?)
    Sorry to hear about your migraine. Mine came with a vertigo which is not much better than a headache.
    I had an experience of Tibetan acupuncture which treated that for good.

  26. What a wonderful find!!! The quilt looks fantastic. I wish that my finds were as great as yours. The template looks interesting and will try to find it when I go to the next quilt shop.

  27. Sorry about the migraine - my husband suffers from them, fortunately not so much any more. I am crazy about this technique. I don't have the template set, but this is definitely something on my to-do list. How big will it be?

  28. I love these totes, they have more appeal than a 'Vera Bradley'. I really like both of these. The one that is made and the one to be made. Your fabrics are ALWAYS gorgeous.


  29. Amazing what a migraine can do. You patchwork looked interesting to me...Hope you migraine is all clear now..not nice. Your post did make me smile a bit. Keep well.

  30. I'm sorry about the migraine, but this piece turned out great. So interesting. I like it a lot.


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