
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Let it snow...........somewhere else!

I thought there was about a 2" snowfall until I shoveled.
And yes it is still snowing.  It was about 3" on the driveway,
about 5" on the sidewalk.
Above, coneflowers and asters that I didn't cut down.

This is about 2.5-3" piled on the railing.   It was 6" deep where it drifted next to the porch steps.  I know this little snow is nothing compared to other areas of this country and elsewhere, but it is more than I want to deal with.


  1. Oh I would love to have it! We had 3 big snows last year and I am hoping for a repeat. usually we are lucky to get one little snow that's gone in 2 days.

  2. The snow is beautiful. The shoveling not so much.

  3. I can sympathize, Wanda. We are still clearing out after our 3 foot snowfall. Temps in the 40s have helped melt some but now we have big chunks of ice to deal with. It could be worse, I guess. Sometimes I wonder if our glorious spring and summers are worth the hassle of winter.

  4. Oh ugh. We usually get your weather from the west a day after you do. I better check the forecast. We didn't get all our yard work done. On a happier note, my Christmas cactus is blooming!

  5. Oh no! We usually get your weather about two days later. I hope that's not the case this time. Love yesterdays embroidery.

  6. Brrrrr, you may keep it, Wanda! Today in Wash. DC the sun is shining and it's really pretty outside, nippy but sunny. They were calling for a little snow tomorrow but it was called off. After the "snow-magedden" last February, I'm not quite ready for snow! Be careful shoveling.

  7. Ohhh that looks lovely - and SO cold!!

  8. I looks so pretty, I always love it when it snows it is so clean and fresh looking. Of course down here in Arkansas we never even shovel our driveway - it normally isn't deep enough for that - if we get much Mike just runs the truck back and forth in the driveway a little so I can get the honda out in the tracks. (gravel driveway in the country) The deck sometimes needs a shovel to push a pathway through the snow gathered on it so it won't be slippery.

  9. I guess we better get use to the oncoming snow showers ... we are to get plenty this winter. I don't know about your area .... have they project another snow filled winter for you ? I really like photo number one.

    Love the snowman scene, the heart throw for the bird house is just charming.


  10. I just got in from shoveling our snow, oh my aching back. Luckily we don't shovel all of it as we do have snow removal equipment. We were supposed to get 5 to 7 inches and I'm pretty sure we did if not more. And then in those places where it drifted, I'm pretty sure it was like doubled in depth. Sigh!

  11. It looks so pretty but I'm glad it's not here! There's supposed to be snow all around us this weekend but not right here. Thank goodness.

  12. We have less snow, but it is a nuissance just as well. My husband has to drive 1 h to his work and 1 h back. The streets have started getting pitted, and we had 18°F on Wednesday. Life just doesn't go normal in winter. It was different a few years ago -- a lot warmer. Now it is the way I remember it from my childhood.
    The photo of the dry flowers in the snow is pretty, nevertheless.

  13. What I wouldn't give for that much snow here. Wish you could send it our way! ;-)

  14. It's a lot to deal with all at once, for anyone.

  15. Hi Wanda,
    it looks like you have lots more snow coming, according to the weather map! We are on the edge of the lake effect snow warning so we'll see if any more snow shows up (so far just 3 inches).
    Good day for stitching.
    Keep warm.

  16. We have almost 10 inches and we are only a hour and a half west of you. It is still snowing here. I think it stalled over us. Chris

  17. Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos........that'll suffice for me and snow !

    Praying for you and your dad to stay warm and SAFE.

  18. Looks like a monochromatic day outside your house. I hope you don't have to go anywhere and can enjoy a cozy day inside with your beautiful fabric projects and a little hot tea or cocoa.

  19. Lovely photos of the snow! I can sympathize with you, but sometimes I wish we could have just a little dusting of snow! We're having a much colder winter than normal, does that count? lol

  20. We got about six inches. If it could only NOT snow on the sidewalk, driveway and roads, I could deal with it!

  21. The snow pictures are beautiful, but I'm glad we don't have it here. We're forecast to reach 80 degrees today, then cooling way down tonight. Right now - balmy breezes and birdsong. Isn't it fun to be able to share a little bit of weather and scenery all over the world!

  22. Right now we have sunshine and 73 degrees in Central Texas, but colder weather is expected later today. As pretty as your pictures are, I am so very happy I don't have to deal with it. Keep warm, Wanda.

  23. Ohhh i would KILL to have it snow like that where i am in Australia.... im sitting here sweating.. dying from heat...even with air conditioning...and its only 7am!! i guess you always want what you cant have... speaking of which... i think id like curly hair too!! xx

  24. It missed us. Now looking at your photos it looks so beautiful I sort of wish we got some.

    Well maybe not.

  25. Wanda, please keep that snow away from mid-Missouri.
    Holiday Hugs,

  26. You must be tired from all that shoveling- take care of that back when you shovel . It looks like quite the snow storm.
    Hope that it warms up for you or that you do not have to go far in stormy weather.
    We do have snow on the ground but not as much as my parents have or my friend in Calgary.

  27. We watched a football game on TV today just to watch the snow. That is the only way I like snow.

  28. We had snow at home and I hated to miss it. We fly home tomorrow but then I head to VA for 2 weeks and I'm afraid I'm going to miss all the fun leading up to Chrismas....

  29. Beautiful photos! I love snow on seed pods! We don't have any yet-maybe today we will get some.

  30. Lovely photos, but I share your sentiments on the snow! We too have been lucky to have only had a couple of inches, where others have had a couple of feet!

  31. We have a lot of snow too, and I must say that I do enjoy it the most when I am inside looking at it. I am not so happy with the slushy stuff it turns into in the streets....or the cold....or the puddles that are left everywhere when it melts!

  32. brrrrr. Welcome to winter! My friend in Laval, Quebec was told they would get 2 -3 inches and when it finally stopped snowing there was 16+ inches. Yikes, we have rain today and we dont' have to shovel it!


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