
Friday, August 20, 2010

See what I picked up yesterday!

Yesterday was the day to pick up the Winding Ways pieces that my friend cut on her Accuquilt Studio cutter.

I shifted some pieces to see what a block will look like.  Notice the little notches that are cut at the center of each curve?  That is why I wanted them cut from the die instead of me cutting with templates and a rotary cutter.

I shifted pieces again for the opposite coloration.  I won't make any big progress on this one right away because I have to clean the basement for the art quilters who are coming Monday.

The squirrels are eating the walnuts that fall from the neighbor's trees into my flower garden.  They are burying as many as they are eating though.  I just wish they remembered where they were and would dig them up before they turn into trees.


  1. Looks like you are going to have fun with this new quilt. Chris

  2. OOOO what fun. That is a wonderful pattern and batiks too!

  3. I know you are going to love the pre-cut Winding Ways. I have done that one one time and have another one in 30s prints that I started and have to get back to at some point. Yes, those squirrels turn a lot of acorns into trees in our yard too. Drives me crazy!

  4. I'm sure your Winding Ways' quilt will be a beauty!

  5. It's very pretty in batiks. I made it in homespun plaids for my son --cut the templates myself though. The notches would be helpful.

  6. The quilt will turn out beautiful I'm sure. I bet the squirrels are back to work in our yard to. We leave today for our drive home - home by Sunday.

  7. There is a die coming out for the winding ways pattern for the GO! cutter. I will be watching your progress on this to help me decide if I want to get that die.

  8. I've always loved the Winding Ways pattern and hope to one day attempt one. I'm betting yours will be gorgeous as all your quilts are.

  9. Oh, golly, Wanda, it is going to be so much fun to watch this one evolve!

  10. Oh I love Winding Ways - the forthcoming WW die for the Go cutter may be just what tips me over the edge into buying one. Yours will look fabulous in those luscious batiks!

  11. I love the colors you selected for your Winding Ways quilt. Look forward to seeing it when completed. Wish we had squirrels here.

  12. I just love looking at the colors and die cuts of the fabric. I can hardly wait to see the first sewn block.

  13. Winding Ways is going to be beautiful. I like the idea of those notches. Our squirrels are busy too. I don't have any walnuts, but I do have a lot of sunflowers, which were planted by the squirrels themselves. They are harvesting them now.

  14. That's a lot of curved sewing there. Can't wait to see it.

  15. Wow - what a beauty! These are going to make for one beautiful quilt! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  16. I think you'll love how the WW goes together. I've always wanted to do one, but pooped out after tracing around a few templates (focus problem, anyone?). I put a 9x9 block wallhanging together in an afternoon after using the die cut machine.

    I don't know that I'd want to own one, but having access to someone else's sure comes in handy at times!

  17. Your WW fabric takes my breath away... it is so gorgeous. I sure can see why you had the pieces precision cut. This is going to be another beauty. Just love keeping up with you through your blog.


  18. Are those notches I spy? It's going to be a pretty quilt. I look forward to seeing your progress.

  19. Now that is worth doing on "the cutter". I bought a little kit that was a 4 block W.W. and ended up throwing it in the garbage, tragic event! Then I made a banner w/3 blocks to re test my sewing skills. (or instruction following skills) Much better, but the cutting was the picky part of this block.

  20. What a great reason to get a die cutter. I have been looking at the GO, actually have been trying to win one, just for that same reason. No one I know has a die cutter so I don't have anyone to cut fabric for me. Looking forward to seeing what beautiful creation you will be making now.

  21. That is wonderful that you had someone with a GO cut your fabric. What is that die called? It is going to be a great quilt.

  22. Oh, now I really need someone to cut my pieces for me!

  23. Hi! I'm a new follower. I'm currently in the process of sewing my first quilt (by myself...first one ever was with my grandma when I was 12 years old!)

    I hope you follow me back, I would LOVE some feedback on my progress!


  24. This is a new handset of colors.
    I'm eager to see the résult.
    Excuse-me for my bad english.

  25. I love winding ways! And that looks like a box full of great fun...enjoy!

  26. I've been trying to resist starting a small Winding Ways quilt but these pictures of your pieces are really tempting me to bump that up to the top of the list!!


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