
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A night off..............

Most people love the medium range fun prints and tend to buy them most often for their stash.

The very light and very dark fabrics are there in the stores too but they aren't as interesting to look at and therefore don't get purchased as often. 
I had 2 last minute cancellations for my class yesterday so we had a very small class.
I put some trouble type fabrics into the kits for the class on purpose to show why they don't work as well when you want a blend of values.

I usually sew at night but I took the evening off last night and went to the see "Eat Pray Love".  Did anyone read the book and see the movie?  I'm curious how closely it followed the story in the book.


  1. Taking the night off is a good thing. I just wish I could get started. Great lesson in values. Chris

  2. I just love your colors! Yes, read the book (read my book review here). I have not seen the movie yet, but am looking forward to it, I love Julia R. Did you like the movie?

  3. i read the book when it first published and it was mediocre. Having trouble getting excited about seeing the movie, although I DO like Julia Roberts and any movie that features elephants draws me in!
    Glad you gave yourself a night off!

  4. I read the book later (not when it first came out).

    Julia Roberts is the biggest reason I would go to see the movie (star power).

    Did you like the movie?

  5. Did you enjoy the movie? I haven't read the book and probably won't until I've seen the movie as I find I'm almost always disappointed by movies not following the books on which they're based.

  6. Hi Wanda, Did YOU like the movie ? Wondering if it is
    worth it ? jmh

  7. I always am interested in seeing your process. I've learned so much from you. And there's so much more to learn. Thank you for being so generous in sharing your knowledge and experience!

  8. It was one of the worst books I have ever read. I was surprised to see that a movie was made from the book.

  9. The values of fabrics are so critical... they either make or break your creation. Seeing the photo's of values is a wonderful post today.

    Was surprised to read a couple negative reviews on the book. I did not read it... but was looking forward to the movie. Yes I am a Julia Roberts fan also. Of course all the promo's were well done and invites you to travel along with her.


  10. Read the book and liked, really liked parts of it very much. Elizabeth Gilbert crafted a few wonderful scences of self-reflection, misery (of her own choosing) and discovery. Then the thoughtful prose stopped and by the end, my over all impression was of a very immature, self absorbed women on a Big Adventure who thought she had a story to tell. I won't see the movie, even though I usually like Julia Roberts. Perhaps non-fiction is not her forte.

  11. Talked to someone today that enjoyed the book, and liked the movie (ELP). I usually try to wait awhile before I read the book after seeing the movie. The exception is the Bone series on TV, nothing like the books.
    The books are more exciting. I would rather read the book first,and let my imagination walk me thro the story.

  12. I am guilty of not using very dark fabrics. I just don't like them. And when I want to make something I usually have to go to the quilt shop for some lighter fabrics too.
    I usually like to read the book first. And I usually don't see the movie until it comes out on DVDs.

  13. I have not read the book or seen the movie you mentioned. I am NOT a Julia Roberts fan.
    Coincidentally, I just finished reading a book called "Tales of a Female Nomad: Living at Large in the World" by Rita Golden Gelman. She is a prolific writer of mostly children's books, and has an amazing story to tell. She has spent over 20 years travelling around the world, with no fixed address. She likes to live among the people of cultures she visits. I suspect it's a more authentic experience than "Eat, Pray, Love", although I should probably not be so judgemental!

    Re: the photos of values: I probably buy mostly the medium prints as well. Is the 2nd photo a good representation of a value gradation? What about the 3rd photo? Maybe you could show us a pic of your "troubled" fabrics that you included to teach your lesson.I understand the concept of 'value', but don't seem to be very good at using different values.

    KF in SC

  14. I don't seem to have many mediums and very few lights. For some reason, I'm always drawn to darks. I read the book some time ago and although I enjoyed most of it, like another commenter, by the end I was just annoyed by the "privileged, young woman trying to find herself" tone. I imagine that the movie probably makes the "love" part much larger than it was in the book. I probably won't bother with the movie since I'm not much of a movie goer.

  15. Hello! Yep, I read the book a while back, loved it- had a lot of great metaphores and thought provoking scenes and quotes! I went to see the movie with my 23 yr old daughter and my husband last weekend and we all loved it! All three of us came away with different favorite parts and picked up special meaning from different scenes... they had not read the book, I felt that it followed rather closely- but left out a lot of the little details that the book delved in to and there were lots of little meaningful parts in the book that have stayed with me that they didnt portray in the movie! Hope that helps! Go see the movie.. read the book- take what you need from it and "shelf" the rest, in that, I mean- I am a christian and so some of the eastern religion stuff was foriegn to me but it also brought special meaning when I could adapt it to my own beliefs!

  16. I like your fabric lesson. I tend to buy dark and medium but it seems to be hard for me to buy light: I can buy bright, not light. When I go to buy light I tend to come home with medium. So my quilts are either dark or bright. ;-)

  17. Contrast is critical in creating interest--thanks for your tutorial on color value.


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