
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The best laid plans don't always work out..........

I had only glanced at my email, was just starting to fix breakfast when the phone rang.  Dad had fallen, didn't lower the foot rest on his power recliner before getting out of the chair I found out later.  He didn't show up for breakfast and one of the ladies knocked on his door but instead of saying "Help me" he said "come in" and she was too shy to open his door and went on to her room.  Breakfast is at 6:30 and nobody checked on him until 8.  He hadn't broken anything but he couldn't walk after they got him up.  They called me to confirm they should call an ambulance.  I knew I had a half hour until he would be at the hospital (4 blocks from me) so I dried my hair and ate breakfast.  I got to the hospital before the ambulance did.  Needless to say, I didn't get to the QOV sew in at 10.  They were finally done in the emergency room at 11:15 and admitted him to the hospital for therapy.  I got home a little before noon and headed to Batavia to get in on a little of the sew in and to see the men from Great Lakes Training Center who had come to pick up the quilts.

When I visited Dad last night they had the sleeves on his legs that have the air compression on a rotating timer.  That is to make sure he doesn't get a blood clot.  He was distressed when I got there, and then my brother showed up.  By the time we left he was calm and watching a western movie.  Wouldn't you know his Dr. is out of town this week so he'll be seeing a stranger (to him) for a Dr.


  1. Sorry to hear about your Dad. We are going to Rockford to check on Jeff's Mom. The Golden Years aren't so Golden sometimes. Hope he recovers well. Chris

  2. Oh, dear. Sometimes it seems as though there is a dark cloud hanging over this man. I'm so sorry he's had this latest mishap.

  3. Goodness, what a day for your Dad. Glad that he did get all settled by the end of the day.

  4. The shock of falling is bad enough, even if he wasn't hurt seriously. Hope he will recover soon. Best wishes!

  5. Sorry to hear the news of your Dad's latest problems. I do hope your day today will be so much more peaceful.

  6. Sorry to hear about your Dad, but it sounds like he is progressing well. It scares me in a way to read about your dad because it makes me look at myself and to think how will I be 30 or 40 years from now. Hope your dad recovers quickly and is out of the hospital very soon!

  7. Oh Wanda, my thoughts are resting with you and your dad. Again, I'm awfully glad that you are nearby for him and not hundreds of unknown miles away. Sounds like he dodged a bullet, and this is a reason to be grateful.
    And quilting - oh yes! Thank God for our quilting!

  8. When I read about what happens with your Dad it always makes me wonder how my mom has not fallen by now and ends up in the hospital. Her legs are getting weaker all the time and when she gets in and out of her wheel chair I always think she her knees will not hold her up.
    I agree with your first comment - the golden years are not so golden at times.

  9. Sorry to hear about your Dad's latest hospital visit. I hope all goes well. I imagine this must be very stressful for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Dad.

  10. Oh boy. So glad no bones were broken. Bet he is plenty sore today. What a day for him and for you too. Hang in there...

  11. I'm glad nothing worse happened, but after it all calms down, don't you just want to shake him for not putting down the foot rest? My dad fell one time getting tangled in the vacuum cleaner cord and didn't call anyone for days. He kept thinking he'd be better "soon."....Well, he wasn't.

    I hate those leg compressor things.......just the noise, I guess.

    And here we wake up to rain again.......I'm afraid I don't even remember what a nice normal weather day would be like. :(

  12. I am so glad that he didn't break anything in the process. I am sure he will be sore for awhile, but hope he can get back to his familiar surroundings soon.

  13. Hey there, I am so soory to hear what happend to your Dad! Bless his heart :o( Soooo glad he didn't break anything, that is a miracle! Plz keep us informed about him. I read your blog everyday but I don't always write that I was here. I love your blog!! Amie in . Tn.

  14. What a day for your dad -- and you! I'm glad nothing was broken.

  15. Every morning, I look forward to reading your blog. You have such a great way of writing both about quilting (of which I am an enthusiast) and life in general.

    As our parents get older, we certainly put a different hat on, don't we? I have been giving my mother gentle lectures this summer to "simply slow down" when she walks. Her brain is moving faster than her legs are reacting, and she has experienced some pretty scary falls.

    Thank you for taking time out of your busy mornings to write your blog! Your writing is a daily vitamin for all of us.

  16. Oh well, sometimes our plans are just plans! I'm glad your Dad is OK and hopefully you can have a sewing day today.

  17. I have a feeling that both you and your Dad will make it through another hospital stay. I sure can sympathize with the emotions that goes along with his care.

    J ~MT

  18. Oh Wanda, I am so sorry to hear this. I really do know what you are going through and it is so hard. Sending good thoughts and hugs your way.

  19. I'm so sorry. It is just hard to deal with being the "mother" to your own parent. I know. Not a job I relish, but it has to be done sometimes. God's blessings on you.

  20. Hugs of understanding for you (and your dad).

  21. Best laid plans of mice and men (er women)! Life has a way of giving us twists and turns. Glad your dad wasn't seriously hurt. Sorry you missed most of your meeting.

  22. Hope today is a better day for you, Wanda. It is a good thing you hadn't left town yet, what would they do if you were not available ? Call your brother I hope. Have you ever noticed that things happen at the most inconvenient times for all concerned. I think its a way to slow us down and remember what is truly important.
    It's a good thing you have the ambulance routine down, you can time yourself . I know I did , no point in rushing only to wait.

  23. Awfully sorry to hear about your Dad's fall, and so glad that you're close enough to be there for AND your brother. Sounds like that was what he needed at the moment.
    It must be so scary to think about him lying there waiting for help like that.......Praise the LORD that our holy Father said, "I will not leave you, nor forsake you".

    I hope that your father is in a good physical therapy situation, .....that's crucial for recovery !
    Blessings on you and yours.

  24. So sorry to hear about your father's fall. I hope that he is not having too much pain and that he will soon be on the mend.
    Warmest regards,

  25. I hope all goes well with your dad's recovery. He's had more than his share of difficulties lately.

  26. Hi Wanda,
    I hope today was a better day for you and your dad. Nothing like those scary phone calls, huh?
    Take care.
    Vicky F

  27. Oh Wanda, I am so sorry about your Dad. Hopefully he will recover quickly but it is too bad it had to happen at all.

    At least you still had some time at the QOV.

  28. Oh friend. Goodness. Listen, one thing I can personally totally relate to is the DISTRESS of not having your own personal Doctor when things are amiss. Exceptionally difficult.


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