
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Another very hot day......

I'm glad I was inside teaching yesterday.  It was really hot and humid.  My neighbors who used my garage for their garage sale (after they moved) came by and picked up their remaining items in the late afternoon.  What a hot day for them to be loading a truck.  They are moving to Florida so this is the kind of weather they will have down there. 

I have one day to finish cleaning the house because my company comes tonight.  One more day to lose 20 pounds before I see my high school classmates tomorrow.  I wonder if they are all thinking the same thing.


  1. I have grocery shopping and bill paying day today so I will be out in it. I figure that if I stand up and keep moving no one will notice how much I way. Oh Heck no one is perfect. Chris

  2. I am sure you will get all your chores done. Not too sure about the 20 pounds, but I bet they are all thinking the same thing. I know that would be my thought.

  3. Your giving spirit and gift of hospitality far out weigh any visual appearance your friends see.

  4. "I wonder if they are all thinking the same thing..." Well, I know I am!

  5. I went to my brother's class reunion a couple weeks ago, class of 1947. It was interesting in many ways, one that most of them had the same body shape. I could hardly pick my brother out from a distance!

    Almost all wore straw cowboy hats too, which was a chuckle.

    I hope you have a great time. Taking some quilts?

  6. This is exactly the kind of weather they are moving to in FL! Only it will last longer down there.

    I thot everyone was moving OUT of FL now cause taxes are so high, medical care is so awful, and Wal-Mart has taken over. At least, that's what my dad says.

  7. Good luck on the 20 pounds and yes they are all thinking the same thing. Is it too late for a face lift or botox!! Have fun.

  8. Have fun at your reunion. Mine is in October. I suppose I should start thinking about those pounds now. I say this and I have made lunch reservations at a new place in town for today. Probably not the day to start.

  9. Have fun and yes, they are all thinking about their own 20 lbs! May your visit with your friend be wonderful and full of laughter! Enjoy yourself.

  10. Hi, Wanda, I love "coming by" most every day. 20 pounds? And yes if they're human and a woman, especially, they are thinking weight. New hair style, color, manicure, pedicure, clothes--you name it. But we are what we are and are becoming. lol I know it has been hot and humid here, too. Ready for cooler weather.

  11. I like the new heading to your site.Wig.

  12. Beautiful butterfly shot!!
    I think everyone going to a high school reunion wants to lose weight!

  13. Think of it this way, if you lost those 20 pounds it would make everyone else feel like they were TOO fluffy, so you are chosing not to as a favor to your classmates!

  14. Is it my computer or did you change the look of your blog ? It is now long and narrow but the header with your Exuberant Color and quilt is quite large. Which I like but it does not cover the entire screen now ? ? ?

    Love your photo... flowers and butterfly's always make me smile.


    Every thing else you do is like magic... Please share your diet on loosing 20 pounds over night diet ☺☺☺☺☺

  15. As everyone said, all your classmates will be thinking about their own 20 or more pounds. Somehow though, I don't think it will bother you too much, you always strike me as a confident, centered woman. Enjoy the reunion and your old friends.

  16. What's 20lbs between friends? And here am I saying cone on Summer and you are wilting in it, I remember last summer I said I will never complain about the cold foggy days again and here I am doing just that. Your photos have certainly brightened my day. Have a glorious time at you reunion.

  17. I'm sure some would still like to shed 20# by tomorrow. The cool thing about reunions is that with each one there are more class members who are just glad to be alive and be there! Wish I could attend mine this year, but it's too far away and too close to the start of the new school year (2 days).
    Have a lot of fun at yours!


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