
Thursday, July 29, 2010

And still another hot sticky day........

No quilty picures today.  It was all dust cloth and vacuum cleaner yesterday.  While I was waiting for my company to arrive I decided to put a new picture in the header.  Then I thought I would just audition some of the new templates.  Mistake!!  I couldn't get back to my old template.  I was stuck.  Then I called Mel (Fibermania) and we tried to get the old one back but then I lost all of my sidebar info.  Yikes!!  Not fun!  I clicked back on the new template and my stuff was back, whew!  But I still can't get my wide template back.  Mel said to wait and maybe Blogger will cooperate in a week or so.  I hope so.  So for now I'll enjoy my company, have fun at my reunion birthday party, and think positive.


  1. It is supposed to cool down a bit here. Have fun with your company and enjoy the reunion. Love your Rose of Sharon! Such a pretty pink colour.

  2. I did the same thing, big mistake. An then I have been trying to get my old template back too, but could not find it. After trying the "help" button and finding out I was not the only person who wanted her old template back I found it.
    You can find the old templates by clicking the "design" button, then click "edit HTML" scroll all the way to the bottom of the page where it says "old templates". Then click "Select Layout Template" and there you have it: all the old templates.

    Hope this will help.

  3. Love the new header! But don't you just hate when all you do is make one little click and it changes everything. Sometimes it is just a trial and error thing. I am sure that you will get it back the way you want it. For what it is worth, it looks great!

  4. Yep, same thing here with the header. I ended up with a new template that I like. For the header, after a few hundred tries, I cropped a copy of a new photo and only took a narrow slice of it. That worked for the new header ---wide and narrow.

  5. I got a "new template" while trying to fix a minor problem that I should have just left alone! Blogger can be finicky when you play with the templates.

  6. Have the windows open today. I am working on the last border and I plan on going outside to work in the yard. Enjoy your company. Chris

  7. I have made several headers for quilters and here are the instructions I provide. I usually make the headers 900-1000 px wide therefore the width of the blog needs to be adjusted which is a simple thing to do in the new Template Designer.

    To install the header, you need to
    • Save this header file somewhere on your computer and the hard part is to remember where.
    • Open up blogger and click on 'Design' and click on 'Edit' in the 'Header' area
    • a new little box will open up
    - remove the blog title (it will be blank)
    - browse and upload the file I have included in this email
    - then click on the little button that says to save instead of the title and description
    - save

    Now go to the template designer
    • on the left side is the word 'Layout'. Click it
    • now click on the 'adjust width' and slide the top bar all the way to the right. You will need 1000 px to be able to display the header properly.
    • click on 'apply to blog' in the upper right hand corner


  8. I hate to play around with mine because I always mess it up.

    Want to trade temps? It is 48* here right now.

  9. I am having so much trouble being creative in this hottest of summers. The humidity is the worst.

  10. I kind of like the new layout! The header looks great, too.
    Here's hoping the weather improves soon -- I'm getting tired of "air you can wear!"

  11. I'm with Kate... I like the newer version. I have a wide monitor and the narrower version is much easier to read.

    We are having a hot day today too, not as bad as you are, but enough to put on AC and stay inside... as if I need excuses to sew!

  12. I like your new look. Enjoy your company but I will your daily post while they are there.

  13. I love the new header...but can understand the frustration. Enjoy the party...and hopefully some cool breeze will blow in soon! Recharge our quilting spirits!

  14. I did the same thing Wanda. I like your new header though! But here's the link I found to get back the old wide setup -- you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Old Templates, I think

  15. I did a similar thing last week, so I'm just living with the new layout for now. Have a fun weekend!

  16. Good to hear you are in the mist of changing the look of your blog. I thought it was my computer, doing its own thing.

    Thanks for taking time to post even with all your company. Reunion and all.


  17. Love the new header!
    It's very hot and humid here again as usual for this summer. We are supposed to get some cooler weather next week.
    Enjoy your company and the reunion.

  18. I just keep messing with my blog's looks too !
    When I can't get something back the way it was, I figure it must have been time to move on.

    I love the quilt in your header......I want to make one like that. Thanks for the idea !

  19. Could you send me the photo of this quilt, if you don't mind my doing something similar?

  20. I like your new blog header -- and, for what it's worth, think your blog template looks great.

  21. Thjese computer nerds are so wily - they think it's easy, but for us mere mortals, it isn't! Gald you got sorted in the end. (I must have had a lucky escape!)


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