
Monday, May 17, 2010

Trimming done, rows started

This is the whole pile, trimmings from 168 blocks.  I am too overwhelmed with other things to do anything with it now.  I don't usually put trimmings out for the birds because they scatter them in the yard and they get into the lawn mower.

I got 5 rows sewn last night.  I remembered that I have the barn raising Kaffe triangle quilt that I can take to the program instead, so if this one gets done it goes, if not it stays home.  I worked another hour on the program in the afternoon.

The first peony of the season opened yesterday.  This bush is always the first to bloom, sometimes a week ahead of the others.  I took this picture from my kitchen window with the zoom lens.  Tonight is my scrap quilt program at our local guild.  I will pack the quilts this morning and this afternoon finish a handout that everyone will recieve.


  1. I am sure that your program will be a big hit!! Your quilts are beautiful, everyone will enjoy!

  2. It would be fun to live close by and come to your program. What a great colored peony.

  3. I wish I could attend your program tonight. Your work is always so lovely and inspiring!

  4. Knock'em over with quilts Wanda. I'd love to come and see them... but alas... lots of other things to do.

  5. Beautiful Quilts - Lovey photos

  6. enjoy your program - I'm sure it will be interesting.
    Flowers are lovely - I wish I had a dark color peony mine are all pink or white and totally gone now and have been for about 2 weeks.

  7. A suggestion for your trimmings .... get some of those clear glass balls/Christmas Ornaments, and stuff the trimmings in. What a lovely 'quilt' related gift for a friend/sewer. :)

  8. Hope your presentation goes well tonight! I'm so tempted to come, but I think you are over an hour away from my home, and I wouldn't be able to get up for work tomorrow!

  9. Wish I lived close enough to come to your program. Lovely peony.

  10. Break a leg! As for trimmings, didn't they save cotton during WWII for paper? The trimmings could go with you paper recyclables! And I want that peony!!! I think that might be yet another beautiful flower that won't grow in FL. I miss jonquils, and lilacs, and pussy willows!

  11. Wanda, I LOVE that crimson peony! I have one that is probably going to be open when I get home tonight. About your scraps - there must be some function for them, I've just NEVER figured out what! They are a thing of beauty!

  12. I would spray that pile of trimmings with spray glue and shape into a nest. Colors are so pretty. It would make a fun decorator piece. Don't you think ? I didn't mean to give to the birds.☺

    I know you will inspire everyone tonight.


    p.s. peony is absolutely beautiful

  13. Wanda, good luck with your program.
    Our guild has something they do. Pillows for the homeless. You cut a couple of 18" squares, sew on 3 sides and put a couple of pieces of batting inside to line it. Throw all of your thread and fabric trimmings in as you get them. Then sew up the last side and you have a pillow. The shelter that takes them hands out a lot. They don't last overly long being outside but they do appreciate the pillows.

    Cher in BC

  14. The peony picture is stunning - very artsy-fartsy ;-) I'm trying to decide whether I want to ask if I can borrow it for my desktop wallpaper...!

    And have a great time at the program. I hope you make new friends and I'm sure that you'll inspire new and old alike!

  15. I suppose you could always use the trimmings as part of the stuffing in a pillow...

  16. Is there a place in the yard where you can put the trimmings what isn't near where the mower goes?

    I'm loving those triangles, by the way.

  17. Love your peony! I have not yet figured out what to do with the trimmings. It seems like such a waste, but you just can't save and use everything. Perhaps they just have to go into the garbage. Have a great time at your guild meeting tonight.

  18. "Break a leg" tonight, Wanda. I'm sure your quilt talk will go well. That peony photo is exquisite.

  19. You are one busy woman! I love the colors(as usual)in the quilt and i like your attitude. I don't like to put myself under deadlines as I'm not good under pressure. I always leave it open as you did. If it gets done it gets done.

  20. Lucky quilt guild to see your beautiful work, up close and personal. I am sure you will do a great job and be very popular at your guild meeting. Your quilts always brighten my day.


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