
Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The program went well last night.  Some people I hadn't seen for a long time came as guests to hear me speak.  I came home on a high.............

Mr. Blue Jay posed for me and even looked at the camera.  It is hard to ever get a good picture of them because they move around all the time.

Today is my youngest granddaughter's birthday.  Her confirmation at church was Sunday and next week is her promotion from 8th grade to high school.  There aren't any little kids in the family any more.


  1. Have you made quilts for all of your grandchildren? If so, they are a LUCKY bunch!!!

  2. Glad things went well-now time to relax!!

  3. Great to hear that things went well last night!! Congrats to your granddaughter on both of her achievements. I bet it is bittersweet not to have any little ones any more.

  4. glad to hear the program went well. You are lucky to be able to do that. I can't speak in front of a large group - I am not a public speaker and find it even hard to get up in front of a small group.

  5. So glad to hear your presentation went well. I feels good when your work is appreciated! The bluejay is beautiful. Sunday there were two male cardnials zooming and I mean zooming around the yard all day chasing each other. Then yestday they were at it again, but a third one had joined the madness. It was fun to watch them.

  6. Glad to hear your program went well it is always nice to come home with that "high" feeling. I look forward to possibly having grandchildren someday...will welcome the pitter patter of the little feet and their sweet little voices.

  7. The program was excellent!!
    Thank you, Wanda, for all the inspiration, again. It was fun to see your Attic WIndows quilt from the class I took with you many years almost matches the one I have hanging at my house, from many years ago !!

  8. Pleased your program went well.
    Love the photo of the Blue Jay

  9. I know you always give 150% with all you do. And I knew you would inspire everyone who attended. They were so fortunate to hear you speak and to see your amazing creations.

    Mr. Blue Jay looks so regal with the lush green background.


  10. Well done (we never had any doubts that you'd be great)... hope that "high" lasts for a little while.

    GREAT bird photo (you are right, they rarely stay put!!)

  11. I would have loved to been there and seen the looks when people saw all those gorgeous quilts of yours!!
    Great blue jay photo!

  12. I've been reading your blog for a while, I don't know how I found it. But every time I read it I decide to "try" to be more adventurous, and PLAY! I can be uptight about color choices,Thank you for sharing!

  13. Love the blog; thanks for posting. I was surprized to see your blue jay photo. I'm in a northern Chicago burb & haven't seen a blue jay or crow in several years. I believe it was Blue Nile virus that took so many. Glad to see they're making a comeback.

  14. I feel rather sad to think there will be no more babies in our immediate family to cuddle and love.

    I wish I could see your quilts in person.

    Love your garden, and the birdlife, so different to ours.

  15. Lovely bird! I know how hard it is to take bird pictures. They seem to hid from the "big eye", from my camera.

  16. I'll bet you are a wonderful speaker and obviously you have many gorgeous quilts to share. I would have loved to have been there. Children are certainly a reminder of how quickly time passes and how we should strive to enjoy every single minute of every single day.

  17. Wanda, glad your program went well. Now you can relax a bit.


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