
Friday, May 14, 2010

Triangles again

I had 4 students in the finishing class and I forgot to take my camera.  Two of them were working on binding, one did the layout for her Bento Box quilt and got the rows all sewn in one direction.  The fourth lady was working on a log cabin quilt from a class I taught many years ago.  During all of this I had to deal with calling the Dr. office to get the results of my Dad's blood test and find out if his prescription had been called in.  My battery died on my cell phone and I missed the call and then got a recording when I did call her back.  I began panicking at this time whether the prescription would be called in before office hours were over and it was very important that Dad have a pill for yesterday.  It all ended OK but I was totally worn out from the stress.  I did get more triangles sewn into blocks and also turned on the iron and carried the blocks 4 at a time to press them since I had only been fingernail pressing up until this point.  I cut 2 edge triangles last night and will get the rest cut today.


  1. Wanda, Today will be better.

  2. Glad all worked out with the prescription for your Dad. You are a busy woman! Take some time for yourself today. You deserve it.

  3. sometimes if the pharmacist knows you always get a prescription and just waiting on the doctor they will give you a pill or two in advance until the doctor calls in - in my case anyhow they have done this. It might be something local I don't know.
    How big is the finished quilt going to be.

  4. Yes, what Karen said does happen here for us too. They generally will help you make do. But I am certainly glad all worked out for your dad. I don't know if I would have been able to stay focused to teach a class knowing that I had to take care of contacting the doctor.

  5. I, too, have had the pharmacist offer a pill or two until I could get the scrip. I think it is a decision they can make.

  6. Stress will get the better of you if you aren't careful. Glad everything worked out. Chris

  7. You need to stop and smell the roses Wanda!!

    Pleased things worked out ok.

  8. I'm glad it all worked out -- and can only imagine how exhausted you were. Pharmacists here will also offer a couple of pills until the doctor is contacted for prescriptions.

  9. Hope today is a better day for you. Glad it all turned out okay.

  10. I think your quilt looks so pretty and cheerful, Wanda. It makes me happy to see the colors.

    I hope today is a less stressful day and you have a good and productive day.

  11. Quilting is your stress buster !
    You could always have the pharmacy call the dr for a refill, they are happy to oblige. I have learned to charge my cell phone every night, whether it needs it or not. I have had my cell phone die when I am not at home and it is frustrating when you are expecting a call.

  12. It IS frustrating to deal with doctor/pharmacy issues. Glad it worked out for you. And you can post pictures of this quilt every day as far as I'm concerned. I just love seeing it!

  13. You are one busy lady. I'm loving how your quilt is coming together on your design wall, beautiful.

  14. Some call a quilt a stash-buster, but for you (and many of us) quilting is also a stress-buster. I'm sure you felt better after a good night of sleep too. (((HUGS))))

  15. Two of my children are pharmacists and I know most will help you out when things get tangled up in day to day life. Once, at a retreat on Catalina Island, one of the ladies forgot her RX and paniced. I went to the only pharmacy on the island and they gave her enough for the weekend. But, I do understand the stress. BTW, your triangles are gorgeous!

  16. Yep, that's life--stress stress. I love the triangle quilts

  17. I hope it helps in some way to be able to tell us what you are dealing with. Many of us have been through the care of an aging parent and understand. And oh how I understand.

    And yet you take time to stitch more triangles to show us. I never tire of seeing this piece. AND teach a finishing class besides !



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