
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Final layout, trimming squares

I finished cutting triangles and got all of them sewn into squares.  I had hoped to show a picture of it sewn together but I decided to take the time to trim each square first.  They were 6.5" squares cut diagonally and then sewn which means they came out at 6.125" square.
You can see how little there is to trim but I think it will be a neater quilt if I take the time to do this.

The reason I was so upset Thursday about the prescription fiasco is because I support the local independent pharmacy which closes at 6 p.m., not the all night place (chain) where I need not worry if I can get there on time.  Also the Dr. office where my dad's primary Dr. is says they are open until 6 when in fact they close early every day that they don't have appointments late in the day.  That makes it pretty 'iffy' whether you will connect with everyone in time.


  1. Wanda, We face the same thing here. They get real independent and then wonder why we get upset. It is hard when people need meds and the stores aren't open. Also the Dr. Should have an emergency number you should be able to reach them if this happens again. The quilt is coming along nicely. At least there is one bright spot in your day. Chris

  2. The quilt is looking fantastic. I agree with you about trimming down your blocks, it definitely makes for a neater block and is easier to piece. I also support our local pharmacy and they have limited hours as well. I have had the same issues in the past, but because they really know their customers they are willing to help out accordingly. I am glad all worked out for you in the end.

  3. When you try to follow the rules and stay on top of things, you really would appreciate it if the folks on the other side of the scenario would do the same. Glad you got your meds for your dad.

    I love this quilt. I like the ruler you are using to square the blocks.

  4. I always find the extra trimming time is worth it in the long run. It looks beautiful.

  5. A little trimming goes a long way toward making assembly smoother. I find it is well worth the time and effort.

  6. Sorry things got so crazy for you. I was my mom's primary caretaker and I know how much stress that can add to your already busy life.
    The triangles look fabulous! It's been fun watching them come together.

  7. It's looking really beautiful!

  8. Enjoy seeing your 'tools of the trade' ~ maybe you could show us ALL of your pieces someday. I know they speed up the making of a quilt top. And I'd love to see your squares , triangles, rotary cutters, etc. etc. that you use.

    Sure hope you do not have to go through another 'prescription fiasco' for your Dad.


  9. I'm loving the fabrics in that quilt. They make the half-square triangles look so sophisticated. Beautiful quilt!

  10. Taking the time for the trimming of the blocks makes so much sense -- probably saves time with the ripper later!
    This is a fabulously colourful and cheerful quilt.

  11. I'm a trimmer too, I think it makes all the difference when it comes time to put it all together. I get the pharmacy thing too. I missed mine by 2 minutes at the end of the day, so the next day I was on their doorstep when the store opened at 8, even though it made me late for work. But the pharmacy didn't open until 9a.m ...geez

  12. Beautiful quilt. Great insights!


  13. Trimming squares is always tedious, as you have to turn them round to het all the edges right. Still, I'm sure it will be worth it in the long run.


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