
Sunday, May 30, 2010

More layouts, porch pots

I took pictures of the porch pots while they were in the sun and still sitting on the driveway.  I forgot to get one of them on the porch until it was too dark.  I tried to take a picture with a night setting on my camera but it didn't work well. 

As I walked by the design wall yesterday morning I decided to reverse the layout and make the 'bows' dark instead of light as I showed yesterday.

Then I wondered what would happen if I changed the center.  Of course this design won't work with 6 big blocks but it will on this 4 block plus borders.

And one more layout.  I think the group will have fun with this pattern at the sew-in.


  1. Your flowers look pretty and cheerful.

    I like the last layout photo the best. It just seems like a fun way to put it together.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Yes! I love all three of those layouts. I can only imagine the blocks made up in different fabrics and how much fun the students will have. Karmen

  3. I really love those bottom 2 layouts. I am going to crown you Queen of the design board!

  4. I never have luck with plants in pots, they rarely do well I have not bothered with any of them this year.

  5. Your pots are beautiful. Still have to plant mine. Yours are an inspiration to me. Think I'll go out today and buy some plants. I love the quilt layouts. A long time ago I made a quilt using Eleanor Burns pattern 'Lover's Knot' that looks like your first layout.

  6. Love your pots! You are definitely Queen of the Design board, as Gene has said. It's been fun watching the different layouts.

  7. I filled some pots with purple petunias last week. I was at the local garden shop when they were marking the impatiens down and I bought 3 flats!! I planted them every where I could dig a hole.

  8. Pots of color are just the thing for a welcoming look at the front door, and they are sure a lot easier to trade out than a whole flowerbed, aren't they!
    I like all the variations you've come up with for the quilt blocks. It's fun to play!

  9. Beautiful pots!!!!

    I love how the design changes so drastically with the block placement.

  10. Gorgeous flowers! I love the 2nd layout the best, but all three are beautiful.

  11. Your porch pots look wonderful!
    It's really interesting to see how much of a difference moving the blocks makes.

  12. I just knew you would have more layouts to show us from those blocks. And each design is so unique.

    Your 'porch pots' are like your quilt tops full of exuberant color. Love the mixes of plants you combined together... by summer it will be overflowing with even more beauty.


  13. love your 'porch pots' and patriotic quilt squares!


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