
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

The traditional red Coral Bell is blooming in the front garden.

Just a few feet over the white Cranesbill is blooming.  The white flower is totally different than the the darker purple one next to it.

The leaves are different too.  There are so many varieties available of which I think I have 5.

In the flower bed on the other side of the porch the Columbines are blooming.  Also visible are a thistle in the background and a volunteer maple tree.  I need to spend some time out there.

This is one small view of the back yard garden seen from my kitchen window.  I can see 9 varieties of Hosta in this one area.

And then, there is the entertainment in the backyard too.  There are several young squirrels that chase each other all over and up and down the trees.

Our weather has turned cool, jacket weather again.  I hope the frost scares are over so I can put some annuals out in my porch pots soon.


  1. Happy Mother's Day. We woke up to frost. Cover peonies and of course my tomoatoes and peppers are covered. Hope everone has a great day and stay warm. Chris

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you, Wanda! Your gardens are just beautiful!

  3. happy mother's day. enjoy and celebrate. cold here too.

  4. Your flowers are beautiful! We already did our porch pots on Friday and were busy carrying them into the garage last night. So much for being a little ahead of schedule. Have a happy Mom's Day!

  5. Love your 'volunteer' maple! We received snow yesterday and it's still here today. I'm just hoping my daffodils will still make it! Happy Mother's Day.

  6. Happy Mothers' Day, Wanda! Those pictures are wonderful, especially Mr. Squirrel. I am anxiously awaiting my MD present to myself -- a bunch of Kaffe pre-cuts from the Canton quilt shop you recommended in your other blog post. What a great resource & what terrific service! Thanks, oh Mother of Quilters, for the ppinting me there>

  7. Happy Mother's Day to you, too.

    It is cool here - long sleeves but no jackets. The sun is out and it is beautiful!

    Our second wave of azaleas are budded and showing some color - we were afraid they were lost for the season.

    Entertainment here is provided by the baby birds, newly out of their nests and larger than the momma birds ...

  8. Happy Mother's Day to you too!
    Your flowers are lovely. Hope you don't get the cold snap we had -- we had very high winds and a wind chill factor of -3 last night. They said it might rain/snow overnight but no evidence of that -- thank goodness!

  9. Happy Mother's Day to you too seeing your little flowers...w-a-y cool here today!
    I am think your feathered star is FAB!!

  10. Happy Mother's Day, Wanda!
    I have been catching up on your blog. Went to OK and Missouri where the porch plants are already planted. Came home to BRRR cold. As always in my area of Mich, have to wait until Memorial Day to be safe with potting and planting.
    I thought I was going to see a trillium in my garden, but when I returned it was a Jack in the Pulpit like your dark one (pictured late April). This is the first year for bloom (self-sown plant).
    Take care.
    Vicky F

  11. Happy Mother's Day to you, too, Wanda. Thank you for the photos of your garden; it's always a delight, especially if there are critters about. :-)

  12. Nice treat to stroll through your garden with you via your photo's. I too am getting so anxious to get my annuals in.

    Hope your day was nice and restful.


  13. Beautiful tour of your garden! It's cold here too. Freezing overnight. We even had some snow flurries today. I bought a few hanging baskets on Saturday, but they will have to stay inside for a few more days.

  14. Happy Mother's Day-a day late.

    Isn't it exciting to see the flowers pop open in your yard. I have the same ones--and the squirrel--except for the cranesbill. I was not familiar with that flower.


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