
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Watching white paint dry

And no, I won't bore you with a picture of it.  I painted the wall in my basement where they removed the gas meter.  It took 2 coats and doesn't look too bad.  I will have shelf units in front of it so it doesn't have to look perfect.

I sewed a bunch of strips for the Bento Box quilt for my class next week.  I like to have parts all ready to demo with.

This is the second time I have seen the ring necked dove in my back yard but it is the first time it stayed long enough to get its picture taken.

This proves that a variety of creatures can all eat in the same area.  The gray squirrels chase the birds away but the brown one is more tolerant.

On Tuesday Jackie showed 2 books and the quilt she is going to make for her husband.  I told her I had started piecing the strips for it but never finished it.  Here are 3 sets of strips sewn together and a bunch of greens at the left that aren't sewn yet.  I was unhappy with it at the time but now I can't figure out why.  I think I'll finish it now.


  1. I have never seen a ring necked dove. Quite beautiful!! Isn't it amazing how all the creatures will feed from the same place but chase one another. Thank yo so much for showing your strips!! It looks absolutely beautiful. This will be a gorgeous quilt when complete. Looking forward to watching your progress.

  2. I have not seen the ring neck dove. At our feeder it is not uncommon to have the birds, rabbits and squirrels at it.
    Bet you are glad the painting is done.

  3. I love that first block. It is definitely on my list of blocks to do in the future. I won't tell you how long that list is. I love seeing the birds and animals out in the yard.

  4. Those strips are gorgeous! Love those colors.

  5. Like you I like to see what is going on in the yard, plant and animal.... this is the time of year that you find all kinds of crazy things... like rabbits and ducks at the feeders, along with the rest of the regular visitors.

  6. These are beautiful strips, they will make a wonderful quilt.

  7. Looks like you used some of your African fabric in those strips. Beautiful!

  8. I love the photo. Many times we can count 5 or 6 types of birds and grey squirrels all eating on the ground together under the bird feeder. It's a really neat event.

  9. We have a ring neck dove that visits our feeder ...

    Those strip sets are gorgeous. What a treasure to pull out and work with!

  10. Ooh, those strips are gorgeous -- no wonder you can't remember why you weren't happy with them!
    We were told by a person at an animal sanctuary that the brown squirrels are more even tempered than the gray/black ones. Maybe that's why.
    The ring-necked dove is so pretty. We used to have mourning doves on the roof garden but haven't heard them for a few years.

  11. I've occasionally seen that type of dove in my yard in AZ and looked them up - I think they are Eurasian Collared Doves. They are bigger than any of our other doves, including white wing doves.
    Linda E in Sierra Vista

  12. Blues and yellows for the Bento Box just makes me smile. Memories of my Mom's kitchen back in the '50's. Always enjoy seeing your creative combinations.

    Taking a moment to snap photo's of your birds and squirrels, brightens our days. Always a treat for me to see the cardinal. Still wonder why we do not see them in the mountains. I must take a moment to Google them.

    And W O W the strips you started has lots of electricity going on. Anxious to see that one progress.


  13. I have looked at some of these fabrics and have a few in my stash but never have figured out how to use them. Now I know! Love the color along with the rich texture! Gorgeous.

  14. We get these on our bird table - we call them collared doves here (UK) as Linda says. They are very pretty and dainty in their eating, unlike the big plump wood pigeons who stomp about and eat everything in sight.

    Lovely rich colours together in the strips. Hope to see more of this one!

  15. We have white winged dove here that are so pretty. Yours is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your wildlife shots. I have been thinking of doing a Bento Box. I saw one done on the internet done like a disappearing 9 patch. Pretty neat!


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