
Monday, April 12, 2010

Setting triangle progress

I have the 3 rows at the top right and 3 rows at the bottom left sewn together.  I need to add 2 more sashing strips and sew those 2 rows to the others and then I'll be ready to cut corner triangles.

Here is a close up of the setting triangle fabric.  It is one of my least favorite of all of Kaffe's fabrics, but it sure is perfect here.  Someone without an email link asked yesterday how I knew the setting triangles should be a brown print.  I knew it had to be a neutral color and the only 2 neutrals are brown and grey.  Any other color would have just emphasized that color all through the quilt where the brown can just be sitting there like a background and not draw your eye to any specific part of the quilt.  It is all gut feeling/intuitive for me.  I don't follow any rule book.


  1. It's funny how sometimes a fabric you don't think much of turns out to be perfect for something. I've seen that Kaffe fabric for sale in stores, and didn't think much of it at the time, but it's perfect the way you've used it.

  2. It is looking wonderful!! Isn't it great to go with that gut feeling and have it be correct? The fabric really works well.

  3. You just keep listening to that guy, honey. This quilt knocks the socks off.

  4. I would be interested to learn your strategy for adding sashing and if you have a technique for joining quilt-as-you go squares.

  5. I took a class many years ago where the teacher emphasized the need and uses of what she called "mud colors". These colors calm and emphasize the main design elements. I must remind myself to add a few more neutrals and "muds" to the palette.

  6. This just emphasizes my theory that every quilt needs an "UGLY".

  7. the setting triangle fabric does seem to be perfect for this quilt - glad you were able to use it for this quilt.

  8. It is perfect! It fades, but the bits of colour in it mean it isn't a total wallflower.

  9. I still like that sashing print & Loved your brown rationale.

  10. I would never have thought to use, let alone, buy that triangle fabric. But what you say makes sense. I am always learning something new from you. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas and techniques and creativity.

  11. Excellent rational. Sometimes there is no need for emphasis.

  12. Will you share your creation of setting triangles calculations? I seem to always make mine too large (wasting fabric and creating frustration).

    This quilt is looking GRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!

  13. Beautiful! The ugly is the best choice. Maybe not so ugly anymore!

  14. Gorgeous! That fabric is the perfect setting fabric for the quilt. To me it looks like a rich faded tapestry background.

  15. Kaffe fabric is very hard to work with, I think. You have done an outstanding (as usual) job. I love this simple pattern. How do you plan to quilt it?

  16. I like the way those setting triangles make the rest of the quilt come forward and stand out -- almost like a 3D effect. From a distance, the colors in that fabric tend to recede, but when you see them up close, they do indeed pick up other colors in the quilt. If there is nothing else you have taught us, Ms. Wanda, it is the value of a design wall and auditioning fabrics.

  17. Love the triangle fabric. This could be a William Morris design...

  18. Hi Wanda,
    Your top is looking great.
    Learned something new today. Loved when you said "I knew it had to be a neutral color and the only 2 neutrals are brown and grey".
    Light bulb!
    I am neither a brown nor a grey person, but it looks like I need to include them anyway to help my colors take center stage. Thanks!
    Vicky F

  19. Your new quilt is coming along fabulously well and your brown sashing is a brilliant idea. You have such a good eye for what is right- great intuition.
    I posted finally again and at the bottom of the post it shows some of the Kaffe fabrics that I found at a Toronto website. They were not inexpensive but they sure are pretty. I ordered half meters of each one of them.
    Happy quilting,

  20. What a wonderful quilt - and (I'm whispering here) I don't even like Kaffe fabrics.

  21. that is one stunning Quilt. I love all the color explosion. just great.
    Like Quilt Sue I shoud whisper also ( I never would have thought Kaffe Fabric could be so beautyful)

  22. The tip about brown and grey being neutrals is amazing. usually borders (and setting triangles fall into this category) determine the colour of the quilt, but you're quite right that this fabric frames and doesn't add to the colours! Fabulous!

  23. Of course you, being the queen of color, would be able to so effortlessly explain appropriate use of neutrals. :-)

    The quilt looks like a box of faceted jewels.


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