
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pulling fabric

I was looking through a book and found a quilt that only needed 4 fabrics, but that seems so boring so after choosing four I continued to add fabrics.  The 5 pictured here are rich looking.

I kept looking until I found one more even lighter fabric to add to it.  I don't have any idea what I'm going to make out of them.  I'm going to continue looking for a different light fabric in my stash even though I like this one with the others.

A freecycler asked for Lily of the Valley so I contacted her and dug a bunch up for her.  I took some more pictures in the garden.  Here are the beginnings of Jack in the Pulpit.  I can't tell for sure how many of those green shoots are Jacks or if some are hostas.  In a few days I'll know.

This is my earliest blooming coral bell.  I caught a dandelion and a lot of dead leaves in the picture too.  My gardens are more natural rather than groomed.  I have found that the leaves turn to compost and the soil is easy to work in.

The Forget me Nots are are in full bloom now.  The plant is the biggest it has ever been.  I need to dig it out and move it back a little so I hope I don't kill it.

All of the hardy geraniums have buds.  This is the first one to bloom.  I have about 5 different varieties of them.

The sun was shining brightly on the rest of the buds on this plant.  It is big and bushy too.  I guess our winter wasn't too hard on the perennials.

The last Amaryllis is blooming inside.  It has just 2 flowers.  Soon it will be time to set all of the pots outside for the summer.

I added another picture to my 'colorwash' page and 2 more to the 'Kaffe fabric quilts' page.


  1. I've enjoyed my wander thru' your garden. Thanks for inviting me

  2. I have those little yellow flowers also. We live in an area where our neighbors don't get rid of them and the seeds blow everywhere. We had frost this morning and I live closer to you than not. Hope you didn't have any. Chris

  3. Wanda, that hot pink/fuchsia batik is EXACTLY what I am looking for the H quilt borders!!! I had a small piece, but cannot locate it - must be a few years old now. Small world! LOVE your selection - when I see those colors together in strips I think of log cabins - boring, I know BUT in your capable hands - never!

    Mysotis is very fragile - be cautious and transplant only if raining or overcast!

  4. those batiks are really pretty. Love your garden.

  5. Don't you just love all the happenings in spring? I raised hostas and some are full out and others just peeking. My garden is filled with wildflowers and some things others call weeds. I enjoyed the trip through your garden.

  6. Thanks for the garden tour, Wanda. I think your garden is a couple of weeks ahead of mine. I love your batiks! Can't wait to see what you are going to do with them.

  7. Love your garden pictures.

    Re: the quilt, the first four fabrics from left to right in your first picture look perfect together. I don't think they would be boring at all for a four color quilt.

  8. The batiks that you chose are just beautiful!! I love the colors. Your gardens look to be really coming along nicely! I guess you can say that spring is finally here!

  9. Your fabric selections are rich and vibrant like your spring time blossoms.

    Was this post made on your new laptop ?


  10. Wanda - I love the batiks (in fact, I like them so well that I have several of them myself.)

    I enjoyed the tour of the garden.

  11. In my experience, Forget-me-Not is very hard to kill. Not that I'm trying to! I love it, as well as my anemone blanda, Siberian squill, and others that put on early shows.

    south-central Michigan

  12. nice to see all your garden stuff, it is so far ahead of what's coming up here, i let the leaves stay on the garden too.

  13. Oh, how I love the look of your batiks all together in that photo. Can't wait to see what they will become.
    Your garden tour was lovely. We still only have a few daffodils.

  14. Hi Wanda,
    I like the shots of your garden. For some reason you seem to be ahead of me (but maybe you have earlier varieties).

    I got "free" forget-me-nots as a blow-in from the neighbor's yard. Every year it seems like they reseed themselves in a different spot.

    Vicky F

  15. I would Love to buy all your dollhouse furniture!!


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