
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Procrastination deluxe....

Every day I looked at this top on my design wall and then walked away.  I kept putting off the decisions.  I sewed the last 2 long seams last night and thought I would start border auditioning.  First I tried the strip that I used for lattice strips or sashing, whichever you call them. It is six inches wide.

Next I tried the setting triangle fabric. I still haven't cut the corner triangles, but at least I have started working on it again.

The third choice was about 2.5" of the setting triange fabric and 6" of the sashing fabric.  At this point I wonder if it doesn't just need a binding
(and no border) and be done with it.

Meanwhile I continue cleaning the basement.  I have the doll house furniture packed in a box and I'll move the design wall to get to the storage area so I can put the dollhouse there.  So you see.........I had to finish sewing the top together so I could move the design wall and end my procrastination.


  1. Of the three, I prefer the setting triangle fabric best...but perhaps just binding it is a better solution.

  2. I like choice number 1 the best. Less busy out of the 3 since the center is the focus.

    Very beautiful, no matter what you decide.


  3. The more that I look at your pictures the more I think just a binding in the sashing fabric would finish off the quilt nicely. There are some quilts that for what ever reason just don't need a border.

  4. I don't think this quilt needs a border -- it's stunning as it is. I'd bind it in the sashing fabric.

  5. I don't think it needs a border, either. Looks great.

  6. Choice number 3 frames it well. If you use as a wallhanging it might be the best to have a border like frame on it. Chris

  7. Happy to see that you are 'moving' on.... I think I would bind it in a bright color.... maybe the pink, or other color in the quilt that you want to POP.

    Beth-Near Chicago

  8. WOW this is really stunning. Love the setting triangles and I think a white border would just make it shine - or, in the altnernative, on of the lightest colors in the quilt (hard to tell by the photo) in a solid. A nice, crisp,simple frame!

  9. I like the setting triangle fabric as a border (or something even darker). It just makes the center pop. The other 2 options detract from that.

  10. I like the third option the best. It seems to make the border stand not overpower the center, but adds a nice frame. Really love the quilt!

  11. #2, the same fab you used for the setting triangles. Amie :o)

  12. Sometimes a quilt will scream, "I'm done!" I think this one is trying to tell you something. I would just bind it.

  13. I prefer no borders usually and this looks done to me.

  14. My idea is to use the lighter color as a narrower feature strip, then the darker color as a wider border and bound with the dark. Do you think that would work?
    Gorgeous quilt!!

  15. Interesting as one reads through the comments such a variety of opinions all freely given. I will throw my opinion into the mix. I would just put a binding with no corner triangles and no border. I think anything more would distract from the beautiful quilt top itself.

  16. Gorgeous quilt! I think the setting triangles and a border with either the sashing fabric or a dark binding would finish off the quilt really well. Maybe a binding that picks up a dark color that is in the setting triangles. I don't think this quilt needs a border. A border might be a bit much and take away from the overall design. So many options to choose from!!! Beautiful quilt though no matter what.


  17. I like the setting triangle border as it makes the blocks appear to float.

  18. I vote for no border and just binding it. Love the quilt!
    Laura T

  19. Since everyone seems to be casting a vote this morning...I like corner triangles in the same fabric you've used for the setting triangles and straight to binding in the sashing fabric without any borders. It is just wonderful.

  20. You know that I always tend to vote for no borders... The quilt is much lighter in the center, so option 1 doesn't seem to work as well. It brings lights back out and it seems off. Same with option 3 with that bit of light in there. If you want a border, do you have another, darker fabric?

  21. I vote for using the setting triangle fabric for a thin border and binding to let the blocks float. The sashing fabric works well where it is but is way too busy for a border.... Lovely quilt!!!

  22. I don't think it needs a border. Will look great if you just bind it with the sashing fabric.

  23. Go for teh setting triangle fabric if you feel you need a border. It is dark enough to bring out the blocks - which is what you want, isn't it?

  24. When I squint my eyes and look at it (as Marti has taught me to do), the second photo really makes the blocks pop. It's gorgeous!

  25. Wanda, I'm leaning toward nothing. It used to be that I thought every quilt needed a border. Now, the fabrics are so gorgeous, they can stand alone. I have made several quilts lately with no border and I love them. I am STILL so drawn to this quilt. It's incredible!

  26. I'm throwing my two cents in too.
    No border. A binding with a dark small print.

  27. My thought is also no border and maybe no binding, but a facing. Anything added seems to distract.

  28. I've just read all the comments and if you were hoping for one suggestion to stand out you will be so disappointed.
    I like the setting fabric 'cos it makes the main body of work just float above the whole quilt.
    Good luck with choosing!

  29. Hi Wanda,
    The light sashing fabric on the outside is a big distraction for me (it screams "looks at me").
    I like the idea of ending with setting triangles and how about a nice deep plum batik for the binding?

    Vicky F

    p.s. I enjoy the photos of your yard in the last few days.

  30. I like the setting triangle fabric the best, but also think it would be fine without borders.

  31. So would the binding be the sashing fabric, the triangle fabric (my choice), or something completely different? More things to procrastinate about!

  32. I vote no border on this one. It's just wonderful as is! As a fellow procrastinator, I think it's much more fun to play in the fabrics! And I have found that if you just leave the vacuum sitting around in plain sight, you can always say "I was just getting ready to vacuum" and others think you are so much more on top of things than you really are :)

  33. If you are still soliciting advice - bind it with the sashing fabric & be done with it. (At this point, I would only add a border if the quilt needs to be bigger.)


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