
Friday, April 23, 2010

I can only leave the design wall blank for so long.........and then

I was still putting away all of my clutter in the basement, and I had used a lint roller on 4 of the design walls.  I ran the vacuum cleaner in about a third of the basement, and then it was time.........  time to play with the other set of Kaffe triangles for another charm quilt.  I will allow myself a little time each day to add to it until I run out of space.

Another freecycler wanted some plants so I dug some more hostas and split them and also gave her cone flowers and 4 volunteer redbud trees.  So far everyone has had luck planting these little volunteer trees.  At the nursery they always say redbuds are hard to grow.  I have dozens of new volunteers every year and they are hard to kill.  I'm just glad to give some away instead of just cutting them down or digging them out.


  1. Your design wall is really woking overtime lately. But it is very intersting to see your results. I have spent to much tme outside and not enough time in my sewing room. Today suppose to rain so it will get a work out today. Lovely colors on a gloomy day. Chris

  2. Your design wall is looking good!!!

    Wish I lived closer to you to get some of your volunteer trees. I have so much trouble growing things on my block. We have bore water and a lot of plants just don't like it.

  3. Yummy beginning to what will be another stunning project!

  4. I like it. Aren't lint rollers marvelous inventions. My design wall starts to look like a piece of art work when it is bare.


  5. I like this piece! Another cool half square triangle setting. I always like sharing plants. It is fun when you see how well they are growing at someone's house and how that plant is a happy thought to the receipient of the giver.

  6. I like the beginnings of this quilt.
    I wish I had red bud. I have lots of voluteer maple and pine tress!

  7. Ooo, another pretty one in the workds. And those folks are sure lucky you're willing to do all that work and they get the free plants & trees!! lol I LOVE my redbuds--they ARE the state tree of Oklahoma (where I grew up!).

  8. What an incredible eye for color you have! Spectacular, as always!

  9. That design wall seesa lot of action! I love those Kaffe fabrics. This one will look terrific too. I didn't know redbuds volunteered themselves in the garden. I don't even know what they look like. Do they have seeds or do they come up by root runners?

  10. I do wish I lived down the street, you have way too much fun!!LOL Is your supply of Kaffe endless? Love this one too. Do you really have 4 design walls??

  11. Love Redbuds but see very few of them out here!

  12. Wanda, I love this new charm quilt and the Kaffe fabrics. It is so rich with texture and color. I love all your quilts.

    Kristin F. in SC.

  13. It's beautiful. I'm thinking of joining a swap for Kaffe fabs so I can do one with more color. I'm working today on a scrap quilt myself. Not as much color as your's, but still using that stash.

  14. Sharing is always good. What goes around, comes around!

  15. Your work always inspires me but I don't usually comment. I want to trade trees....I have volunteer crepe myrtles - purple - that come up everywhere! Would love to have just 1 Redbud. Gardening tip I learned after my mom & I tried to transplant (killed) Dogwoods for years.....B4 you dig the tree out, label the orientation, N, S, E, W, and set it the same when you replant. It works; the tree does not know it has been moved! Anyone local want a few purple crepe myrtles?


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