
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Little bits

I was looking through my bin of leftover parts and came across some strip pieced triangles.  I decided I should cut some of my little bits (2.5" squares) out of them.

I chose to only cut up the smaller ones.  I think I might have another project for the larger ones.  I cut 5 squares and now I have these little scraps at the left.  Here's where the insanity sets in.  With all of my yardage on the shelves, I'm trying to figure out what to do with those little scraps. 
I played a little with the pieced squares with 4 little Kaffe triangle blocks thrown in.

Then I took those squares out and just alternated ones with just stripes with the ones that had more complex piecing.  If I sewed it right now it would measure 12" x 14".  I think I'll continue making squares.

Here is another plant that stays green all winter, periwinkle vinca vine.  It is in a sheltered spot by my my house.  I tear a lot of it out every year because it wants to take over the whole flower bed.


  1. I have the periwinkle in my garden too, it's a good flowerer (if that's a word) as you say.

    Nice triangles and squares.

  2. Of course you need to use up those tiny scraps. Thats what we quilters do. We can't change.
    They are looking wonderful already.

  3. Great way to use up the scraps! It will be a very cute quilt when complete. We have tons of Vinca and yes, they do take over the bed, but look oh so pretty.

  4. What fun to find such pieced treasure!!

  5. I have some little bits tossed in a box too to use one day. Aren't we thrifty quilters to save all this odds and ends of fabrics!

  6. I like them with the Kaffe prints and with the strips. Lots of color, always love it!

  7. That is the glory of quilting. Making something out of all those interesting little scraps. It is a part of the history of quilting, lets hang onto that part. I love it.

  8. I'm loving this little scrap quilt and seem to prefer the more random layout. Using up these tiny bits is more a testament to creativity rather than frugality, don't you think?

  9. I have to agree with Gene about this activity being a part of the history of quilting. I keep telling myself that my scrap bins are little gold mines, and I can't give them up or toss them out when cleaning the sewing room. It's good to know that I am not the only one who does this!

  10. That's just what quilters do - we take something and make something else of it. And have fun along the way. I love your little bits and pieces. It would be shame to let them go to waste!

  11. Great start. This is the history of quilting. My grandmother lived out in the country and could not run to the quilt store to buy the "perfect" piece of fabric. She cut up old dresses and shirts and used what she had. My cousin and I loved listening to my mother and her sisters go through her quilts and say do you remember that dress!!

  12. I love your little bits! Who cares if you have a whole house full of fabric. Those little blocks are what quilting is all about. I must say though, I have found someone who will take all of my scraps, no matter how big or small. She uses them in her classroom to make crafts with her special ed. students. I am in the process of tearing out my vinca. In the last couple of years, when I was unable to work in the garden, this plant has taken over!

  13. The tiniest scraps seem to make the most interesting quilts. Plus it's hard to beat the feeling of making something from nothing.

  14. Yardage on the shelf is security and assurance so that we CAN take the time to play with the tiny scraps . . . I love where you're going with all this randomly pieced wee bits!

    We had periwinkle where I grew up in MI. I loved it and hated to see my mother tear it out so it didn't take over (I dreamed of trees vined and covered in those pretty purple flowers). Thanks for the memory!

  15. I just soooo want to come play at your house. LOL Since I'm still working full time, I'll have to wait a few more years. You always inspire me to go home and play with my scraps. Thanks for sharing.

  16. What is it they say..."waste not, want not" or something like that????

    Love the pretty vinca. Yes, it would take over if planted in the ground here.

  17. Those little scraps are the grand finale from your bigger production. Your creativity you have shown us with those little scraps... has made me take a 'double take' on my scraps before I toss away.

    Love the periwinkle blue blossoms from your Vinca. All the springtime blossoms warms my heart.


  18. Little's what quilting is all about. Loved today's post.

  19. They are looking great Wanda. Keep scrapping!!!!

  20. Those are awesome! Jut keep going, adding, and storing until you can make something big. Oh, the impact! Of course, if you can wait that long.

  21. I wouldn't be able to resist working with those little blocks either! How could you possibly not use them?

  22. I love these bits that are turning into something so clever.

  23. I know, I keep trying to use up my strings and can't seem to make a dent in them and I wonder how I'll ever use the fabric on the shelves when a little bit goes such a long way.

    The little quilt is very cute.

  24. My "basket" is about a 80 gallon tub and it's so full that I have to push down to put anything else in it! Let's have a Scrap Along where we all dig into our "baskets" and make a quilt from them! It would make for a VERY productive project. I'm just sayin'.......LOL :o) Amie

  25. It is so much fun to discover so many folks out there who enjoy doing the same things that I enjoy doing. And all this time I thought I was being so original. Love the vinca - I added a few of those in my Spring Riot quilt.

  26. Wow, they are tiny! Its going to be really cute.

  27. Love the little bits....I had to laugh at the comment about the insanity sets in.....


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