
Friday, March 19, 2010


I got up with a migraine yesterday but was able to squash it within hours.  I went to embroidery club in the afternoon and computer club at night.  In between all of that I did get some more triangles cut.  If you have been following along you know this is a charm quilt, every fabric used only once.  I am happy and re-inspired with the rows I moved yesterday and I got 2 new rows started.  I'm building this sideways on my double design wall but I turn the picture vertical for the blog.  Unfortunately the bottom edge is in the area where there isn't enough light so that row looks pretty muddy in the photo.  They are nice dark browns and purples.


  1. Glad you were able to get rid of the migraine pretty quick. I have trouble doing that sometimes. Not too much more to go on the quilt. I have been enjoying seeing your progress.

  2. I like your fix. Hope your migraine stays away!

  3. I too enjoy seeing the progress made. Glad you got the migraine to disappear. The weather is supposed to change this weekend maybe that is your head telling you so?

  4. Would love to see you post that picture sideways...the way you see it as you design.

    Headaches, stay away from this woman!

  5. I like the changes to the rows - much more appealing. I once heard that creative people are more prone to migraines - I think I believe that.


  6. I just love your color choices, you break all the rules. That in turn makes me a better quilter.

  7. I am enjoying your progress and changes.

    Pleased your bad head did not stick around long.

  8. I SO enjoy seeing your progress and all those beautiful fabrics. It is so pretty!

  9. Glad you were able to shake the migraine so quickly. Big big change in our weather coming which I expect will bring with it a migraine.
    I love how the triangles quilt looks now -- the lights/darks are so beautifully balanced!

  10. Your deletions/ color corrections are really working. It's lookin' good!!

  11. Hi Wanda,
    What a happy looking quilt.
    I can see where your tweaking is making the contrast better.
    Hopefully you can dodge the snow that's heading your way (or is it already there?)
    Vicky F

  12. As always I enjoy watching your progressive work on your newest creation.

    I am practicing on my new computer tonight and was delighted to get to your blog. Although I do not know how to put your icon on my desktop like I had before. It was just a click away.



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