
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Finishing? No, starting.................

I was going to quilt something yesterday to try to keep up with my quota of 4 a month, but instead I started sorting fabrics and repacking them in smaller boxes and using the huge boxes for the batting scraps.  When I was too exhausted to do anything else I decided it was time to play.  This is one of the next 2 quilts that I will make with the rest of the triangles.  I won't be able to continue on this one because my art quilters' group is coming next Monday and I need all of the design walls cleared off.  I just wanted to play and see how it was going to look.  Now I can continue to cut more triangles to be ready to design this one next week.


  1. Another beautiful HST quilt in the works!

  2. That one will be fun. You know we will want to see the progress!

  3. What a wonderful way with darks and lights.

  4. Ok now I am really jealous. I have to get started. The days are running away from me and I am not getting anything done. The combos are so colorful and yet simple. Keep up the great work. I need focus does anyone have any to spare? Chris

  5. Stripes of HST....I drool! Brooke and I are both talking about making one and Brooke wants to try using white in hers, alternating with brights. O the possibilities.

  6. When inspiration strikes, I think it is time to put aside other plans. Looks like you did just that--and I am going to love the result. But Wanda, it's OK for you to use some of your design walls too. You don't have to save them all for us.

    Mary G.

  7. I love zig zags! And I love these fabrics, so together ... !

  8. I like the path this one is taking. Love the zig zag!

  9. I think I'm your long lost sister .... with that could I come to live with you and learn? LOL

    I LOVE it ... now I have to dig out my scraps again.

  10. I love watching you play wiht design ideas -- this one is already so much fun!

  11. It never ends does it? Always a project in your mind, on your wall, hiding in fabric boxes. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful inspiration!

  12. I'm loving it! A new one to view - yippie! It's so much fun to watch you put a quilt together.:)
    I love the idea from yesterday's post about using an old calender for the numbers.
    I'm enjoying your quilting, since I can't seem to get to mine!
    Have a happy quilting day!

    Kay in Kansas

  13. I so like the many designs you create with the triangles. The precision is nice and tailored, with this new one, and the last one. Fabrics look so different with each design.


  14. I want to make a zig-zag SO bad! Love it.

  15. Love that zigzag design! A creative mind cannot be stopped! You are always looking to the future and new creations.

  16. It's so much more fun to start something new than it is to finish something already started. Do you think it's because we've already "seen" it and are ready for the next?

  17. I love the zigzag effect of this layout.

  18. Wonderful post on color value, you've explained it and shown it perfectly. enjoyed the posts below also. I'm always so inspired by your posts. Have a great week.


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