
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A family day

Yesterday was a family day, a birthday lunch for one of my sisters-in-law and then back to another SIL's house to chat with the family.  That was 5 hours of sitting which I'm not used to.  It was fun to catch up on all of the family because we don't see each other as often in the winter.

My friend Mel/Fibermania walked me through some changes for my blog.  I'm using a new layout that stretches out into more of the area to the left.  I like a nice clean white page so nothing competes with my pictures.  Mel is also the one that alerted me to the Pages up on the top of the right sidebar.  I added another page last night and added 2 more pictures to the first page.  Thanks Mel, I couldn't have done it without you. 

I sorted my bin of 2.5" strips while I watched the figure skating last night.  I wanted to separate all of the full length strips from the partial lengths.  The bin above is the partial lengths, divided by batik and non-batik. Now when I need a full length strip I will know not to choose these.

I haven't made much progress on the one above except for cutting some more pieces.  I have to wait until I can set my double design wall back in place after the gas company removes the meter on Thursday. 


  1. Your blog looks wonderful! I really love how organized it is. The crazy quilts are spectacular.

  2. The new layout is interesting, the pictures follow in a shorter distance; but very long lines are more difficult to read. I use the same layout and deliberately leave the blank space on the left for this reason.

  3. The new layout is great, Wanda. Will savour your pages when the Olympics are over - TV is taking up alot of my downtime/sewing time. My choice, I guess! Go Canada:)!

  4. The new layout looks fabulous! Great job. Isn't blogging wonderful for the help that we receive. Your quilt is looking just great!

  5. Brand new to your blog, Wanda. Came over from Mel's.

    Wow. Those delicious half-square triangles make me all woozy (the GOOD way).

    I'm staying. Let's put the kettle on for tea, okay? :)

  6. Those pages are a great idea. Having all those beautiful quilts on one page is like a visual feast that really gets my creative juices flowing!

  7. love your new look. My husband has to walk me through everything to do with the computer it seems, glad someone was able to help you.

  8. You're right--the white background is a nice complement to your work.
    I think the "exuberant color" words are getting lost at the top, though. Maybe a color other than black?

    Thanks for the inspiration--I have some kaffe material that a friend just described as "vintage" because it's so old (I've been too scared to use it!) I think I might actually do something after reading your reflections about color use as well as your sense of play with design!

  9. Love the new look. I want to make some changes in mine. Can Mel come over?


  10. I love the clean look on your blog. It is so nice to have a friend who can help with that learning curve.

    I do miss the spellcheck, but they are apparently "working" on it. Now everyone knows how bad our spelling is!

  11. I love the new look of your blog and the separate pages are fabulous -- lovely to see all those quilts in one spot! I think once the Olympics are over, I'll investigate doing some pages!

  12. Like the new layout. It is good to have a change every now and then - gives that little bit of umph! You must have lots of patience Wanda to sort through all those strips! Still enjoy popping in. Thank you.

  13. You've given me two new ideas. I'll need to investigate the "pages" and the light and dark triangles are perfect for the multiple stacks of cut squares that someone donated to our church quilt group. Thanks

  14. Love your new look. I have been wanting to change the sides of my blog and have to ask my son, who is usually so busy. My quilt guild has a show coming up in three weeks and I am busy finishing small quilt for a raffle and a Kat bag and angel for the silent auction. Then back to changing my blog.
    The white is great!

  15. Ooooh I love the new page of crazy patchwork. I can tell I will be spending lots of time looking at the pages you post. Such a vast legacy of beautiful work.

    And of course, kudos for the new layout.

  16. The new look to your pages is really nice. I also like your crazy quilt called Dew on the ROses! It's great how you have different sections to your blog now. Fabric strips have arrived. I'll get those fifth graders going at trimming them up to rectangles diamonds and squares! Thank you so much.

  17. I really like the new layout, it looks easier to see. Like a book with large print! What you are doing with your HST's is so neat-o!! Does anyone even say that anymore, lololol :o) Amie

  18. I like the new layout. It is very easy to read, even on my laptop.

  19. The new one looks so clean and crisp..sort of like your new blog look! Now neat!

  20. I, too, like the new layout. I'm tempted to fiddle with mine! Those Pages things that Melody has uncovered are pretty cool too. Lovely to see your quilts all together on those new Pages!


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