
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Amaryllis and new wonky project

All four of the main flowers are open with the bud on top not quite ready. The next bud stalk is last year's plant and the one on the right is the second stalk on this plant. Surprise! another bud stalk coming up on this one, 3 on one bulb.
I sewed all of the rest of the blocks for this wonky quilt yesterday. I used all of the wonky 4 patches that were in my spare parts bin as the centers. If I want to make any more blocks I'll have to make more centers, maybe the same, maybe not. I had a piece of black and white checkerboard that I made for a different project and then didn't use it. I'm auditioning it as a possible vertical sashing. Here are some more left over black and white blocks from a long time ago that I'm also auditioning. No decisions yet. The gas company has set the date for my meter to be moved to the outside so now I have to move everything that is in that corner to prepare. I have 12 days to get ready so I can take my time moving things around.


  1. Wow, That Amaryllis is beautiful. Hopefully it will keep blooming until the tulips arrive. I love the wonky quilt blocks. They are really playful!

  2. The blocks look good next to the scrappy black and white strips.

    You'll like having the meter outside of the house. Mine was always outside, in the back yard. But they changed them all a few years ago, so they don't even have to walk around to the meter. I think they just drive by to get the meters read!


  3. meters outside are better - we don't have gas but all electric and all the guy does now is drive up to the house puts his window down and aims a "reader" at the meter to get the numbers - kind of a like a hand held scanner at the grocery store!

  4. Beautiful scrappy blocks. My kind of quilting...

    Pretty Flowers.

  5. Your amaryllis is amazingly beautiful. Love the colors that nature gives us.

  6. Love both, the pretty flowers and your beautiful wonky blocks.You really do need three more to make a top!!

  7. Its amazing what fun things come from left overs and scraps. This is really fun! I like the second sashing choice.

  8. Love the blocks, all of them. Think that either choice is good or they maybe do not need a sashing? You must whisper to your plants!!! ;) They always grow as well and as fast as your quits. Keep stitching. You inspire so many of us!! Gail Norback

  9. I like it without any strips. Make some more wonky blocks or drop one of the blocks and make it 16.Wig.Just my thought.

  10. You are like your Amaryllis, a new blossom every day.

    I can see that your plants respond to your TLC like your fabrics, each blossoming into a gorgeous grand display.


  11. Fantastic Amaryllis! I love the scrappy black and white blocks!

  12. Love the black/white checks. Gives the eye a place to "rest" Your amaryllis are gorgeous!

  13. Lovely. I like the sashing idea. Which one? hmmm, toss up but the scrappier one kinda tugs me.

  14. I love scrappy! My vote (if your taking them would be either no sashing or the black and white checkered.

  15. Your amaryllis blooms are beautiful. I like your wonky four patch quilt.

  16. Hi Wanda,
    "Spare parts box"; sounds like a quilt name to me!
    I those were my blocks (which they aren't) I think I would try plain black sashing to emphasize the blocks.
    Do you think the secret to the amaryllis is the fertilizer? (Along with your attention, of course).
    Vicky F

  17. Antoher fun decision that I am very glad is yours!

  18. The colour of that amaryllis is so beautiful -- how wonderful to have that blooming at this time of year!


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