
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Petting fabric

My headache finally went away and I had errands to run in the morning and lunch with a friend I have known for 51 years. We sat and talked for hours after lunch and a couple hours later it was time to take a meal to Dad's apartment. I didn't feel like finishing the quilting on the plaid NY Beauty so I went to my Kaffe stash boxes and pulled out all of the Kaffe stripes that I have collected in the last 12-13 years. I made that block the same year that I bought the first stripes and never made any more of them.Then Jackie posted a quilt she was going to make and the inspiration from some Kaffe books. I was hooked. I know this project(s) will slip in between some finishes very soon. Check out the inspiration post and the progress post. Aren't the blocks spectacular? I have another one in another of Kaffe's books that I want to make too so I will cut for 2 or 3 projects all at the same time.


  1. I'm drooling. That fabric is soooo gorgeous.

  2. Now I'm thinking I'll have to start collecting stripes. I love everything about Kaffe Fasset fabrics except the price. They seldom seem to go on sale.

  3. Yes, Jackie has me inspired, too. I've started my small collection of I need another project...

  4. Your collection is just wonderful too. I love the block that you first made. It definitely adds interest to have all four sides different. However, I can imagine that if all blocks were like that, once it is up on the design wall you would see different patterns starting to shape up. I am so looking forward to seeing your progress and am glad you are joining in!! I am excited to see all of the projects that you will choose.

  5. I wish they'd redo these stripes! gorgeous selection you've collected!

  6. I have many of those same fabrics in my stash and have never touched them. Your block looks awesome! Maybe I will have to pull my fabrics out and make a similar project. I like Jacque's with the different sized squares.

  7. Oh, I love those fabrics. Can't wait to see your blocks.

  8. I love your striped fabric! I don't think I have even one piece of striped fabric in my stash. That may have to change.....
    Can't wait to see how this turns out.

  9. I have always loved his stripes and, yes, it will make a gorgeous quilt.

  10. I like the look of this. I hope this does'nt make me go and buy a lot of his stripes, i know where i can find some.haha.Wig.

  11. This post is way too enticing!! I love working with stripes but have next to no bright ones. Having just got a few of the Kaffe books, I'm fighting temptation -- probably spectacularly unsuccessfully!

  12. That's great your headache finally went. It is really nice to spend time with old friendsI bet Dad enjoyed your visit too.
    I am not a lover of working with stripes as I find it hard to keep them straight. Yours are perfect though.Great colours.

  13. I LOVE the look, but I do not really enjoy working with plaids or strict stripes (wavy or irregular stripes are another matter). Kudos to you and others who do this so beautifully!!!

  14. As usual, something spectacular showing up on your blog! Too many ideas....not enough hours in the day!

  15. Those striped quilts are so enticing, but I don't have enough striped fabrics to begin one. I'm going to be a good girl and not rush out and buy stripes. I'm trying to change my impulsive buying bursts. I'll just watch and drool as you and Jackie work on yours.

  16. FYI ..Hancocks of Paducah has Kaffe Fassett (20 different fabrics) on sale , but, no stripes. Good way to fill your KF stash, and cheaply,too!
    I am struggling to cut into my collection . Some are just to pretty to cut.

  17. Beautiful! Now I will need to collect stripes and make one of these (as if I don't have enough quilts to make ;o)

  18. ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh.....

    I may need to add some stripes to my stash!!! These are gorgeous.

  19. Ooh, I can't wait to see more. Glad to hear you are feeling better.


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