
Thursday, January 21, 2010

More auditions

I think the yellow in the Philip Jacobs print is too bright for the Kaffe fabrics. I have pulled some more PJ prints and the red is a Kaffe print. I have enough of the red for outer border too. The flower on the top left might work. I only have a half yard so it wouldn't end up being the border.I left this picture in a larger format so if you click on it I think you will see the fabrics better.


  1. It's a tough choice...depends on the look you're going for. I like the Trumpet Flowers or the Hollyhocks the best, but seeing it closeup and in real life it might look different! Which one are you leaning towards?

  2. I agree on the yellow, and like the lower left and upper right fabrics, mostly because they have a hint of green in them and are scaled so no matter how you cut them, the green will still show a bit.

  3. Too bad you don't have enough of the upper left one, that one works best for my taste. I think it's because it seems to have a bit more orange in it, which contrasts nicely with the blues.

    And since you are asking... I'm not a fat on the ikat checkerboard. The change in texture is indeed nice, but it just isn't working for me.

  4. I'd use the same fabric you started with, but cut different focus squares for the center. More green/red and a toned down yellow. And then be careful how you cut the borders...

    Good day to stay inside and sew here. Solid ice on everything.... Hope you stay warm!

  5. The hollyhocks would be my pick. If you fussy cut them for the center you would have less yellow. Then just used the larger portion in the border I think that would work well.

  6. You know I still have to go with my original pick and agree with Jackie. I would fussy cut the pink or red hollyhocks with the green though.

  7. I love it and agree it's hard to pick out the border. I like the red, but it might be too much with all the other prints.

  8. Hi - I commented on a later post...but I like the green/yellow combination even better than the red you posted more recently. Makes the yellows and greens in the striped portion really pop!

  9. Love those yellow centers ! You will pick the best border combo I know.



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