
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Still counting

After pulling the Blooming 9 patch (link in yesterday's post) out of my storage box of quilt tops and seeing how wrinkled it was, I am determined to get all of the tops up on hangers. All of these have been on hangers all along, all 21 of them You can see I have found some batting pieces for a few of them on the right in the picture.I'm working on that list of priorities for next year too. Hopefully at least half of my UFO's will be finished in 2010. There are at least 10 more in the storage box.

I got about half of the big Blooming 9 patch quilted and hope to finish it today. I don't party on New Year's Eve, I sew. That's my kind of party.

My brother had my new battery in my van by 2:30 yesterday so I still had time to run errands before we took pizza to Dad's apt. last evening. There were snow showers off and on most of the day but it hasn't amounted to much on the ground. I decided not to go to the movie theater and have the car coated though. I can go next week.


  1. Sometimes I find the atmosphere around the New Year more helpful for working than for celebrating. Happy Sewing! Your quilt tops stash is amazing.

  2. Good idea about the hangers.

    Hope you have a happy and prosperous 2010!

  3. Wanda I shall never complain about my UFO's again. What a pile you have to go through but if you don't start anymore it is only about 2 a month and they will be done. Good Luck!!

    What a nice brother. I am sure Dad would have loved your company and pizza.

    Yes like you I am sewing and blogging tonight.I really enjoy it,DH has gone camping on the beach so can please myself.

  4. wow - you sure have a lot of tops to quilt! you will be one busy lady this year!

  5. Okay, so now I don't feel so bad. I have tons of tops to be quilted too. However, I think you have me beat. That is a terrific resolution. Get some quilted! Glad you have a new battery in your car. We did get our car back yesterday too, so all is well with the world. Happy New Year!

  6. I have been working on my stack of unquilted tops since last weekend. I have gotten 4 quilted so far, I have 2 basted and ready to quilt today, and 2 more ready for basting, with even more still in the que. Granted, these are all small quilts, but they have been on the UFO list for too long, so I want as many of them off the list by the end of tonight for updating my UFO list tomorrow. They will still be on the list, but at least at the final stage for completion - binding - which is one of my favorite things to do.

    I'm sure you will have as much success as I am once you have your tops on your list and prioritized. That's what works best for me.

    Happy New Year! I'll be quilting along with you.

  7. Congrats on all your finished UFOs for this year. Thanks for your inspiring blog. Happy 2010.

  8. Sewing sounds like an EXCELLENT idea. I had to laugh at the quilt closet. You are letting all of us with UFO's "off the hook" by showing that one.

  9. Congratulations on your 2009 accomplishments, Wanda. I am not a party person, either, when it comes to New Year's Eve. I wish you a happy, healthy, and very productive New Year! I can't think of a better way to greet the new year than with the hum of a sewing machine. Happy 2010!

  10. It will feel good to get those tops finished, and I can't wait to see them. Happy 2010. Hannah

  11. You are going to be one busy lady!!!

  12. lol, with a closet like that, I wouldn't know what to "wear" first ;-)

  13. Are all those waiting to be quilted,lol? OMG! I have a stack too but most are waiting for binding, I detest that little task :o) BTW, I hate to even ask again but is there any way you could send me the directions for the Strips that Sizzle? I can't remember which way to cut the blocks. THANKYOU, Amie

  14. Amie, You are a no reply comment blogger and I have no way to reach you. Either enable your email through Edit Profile or use my email link on the right side of my blog page.

  15. I resolve to finish projects in 2010 and not to buy fabric....yeah, lets see how long the latter resolution lasts! Happy New Year and thanks for the inspiration. I get something from everyday's post.

  16. I love your closet! I plan to finish a lot of my UFOs in 2010 too! My idea of a good New Year's Eve is retiring to my sewing room too. I might come out to watch the ball drop or whatever, but sewing into the new year is my way of celebrating!

  17. You always amaze me with your stash of designed pieces and on hangers yet. Are they ones that you have posted throughout the year or ones that we have not seen ?

    Staying home is the best way to bring in the New Year. We do not party either.


    You are doing what you love the most ! Celebrating the New Year with your quilting machine and all your UFO's . I am looking forward to seeing your new inspirations in 2010 , it stretches the imagination to see what you will come up with in the days ahead.
    Happy Quilting !

  19. omigosh ... (skipped earlier comments) ... I ABOSLUTELY LOVE THIS PHOTO of your tops waiting for quilting. What a glorious (albiet folded) display of your style and colors!!!!

    Here's to taking time to regroup and reorganize and honor what is currently important in our lives.

  20. wow, I'd like that closet! Happy New years to you! Enjoy your sewing tonight, I bet there will be a few of us doing the same thing!

  21. Happy New Year, Wanda! I now have closet envy!!!!!

  22. Wanda, when you're finsihed will you post a photo of your blooming 9 patch? I have been considering doing one, and love to see people color choices. Iparticularly love the ones that look like they are being lit from behind in the middle. Such a beautiful use of color. Thanks, Kaaren in CA

  23. I really liked this post with the photos of all your quilt tops. It's neat to me since I've never seen anything like that! I don't feel stressed out or behind AT ALL. ...and gee what a nice comment that was. I'd delete it but somehow leaving it there makes the whole "comment" thing more real. I guess. Sheesh. Anyway, I did think it was neat to see all those quilt tops finished. It's so COOL!!! All that talent!!! Thanks for sharing AND I'm glad you got to take some pizza over to your Dad's cuz I'm know that's a good feeling for everyone.

    (ps: definite bonus on the battery)

  24. Hi Wanda,
    What a great idea to hang your quilt tops awaiting finishing. Any issues with the hangers bending from the weight? (I'm thinking maybe not because it looks like you're not hanging all three layers together.)

    Happy New Years Eve sewing! We will be playing games with my cousin and husband.
    Vicky F


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