
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Another finish for 2009

I finished the binding and hung this on my design walls for its picture.Here is a better look at that diagonal stripe print that I used for binding.

I love the assortment of fabrics in this quilt, some early Kaffes, some newer ones. I couldn't resist showing you the coneflower seedheads with their snow piles. I have been busy making my list of which quilts I'll work on first in the new year. It is getting longer and longer, and that is just the ones that partially done. A lot of them just need their borders so after I make the decision which fabric will be used it won't take long to be a completed top.


  1. The Kaffe Fasett quilt is gorgeous. Gotta love his fabrics.
    We have lots of snow too. Finally, as of yesterday, we are able to get out of our yard.

  2. I think I have this pattern in the book I have just bought , I,m doing his pickle dish quilt---------cottonreel

  3. Absolutely beautiful - as usual. I am a new quilter and your work is really inspirational. I adore the way you use colour - from the extravagent to this subtle little number. I am working on getting my stash up to your level and then will 'try' to have a go myself!

  4. Really pretty! I love the colorwash look.

  5. pretty colors - I would not have thought to use them that way. Love the stripes.

  6. Absolutely fabulous! Looks like spring for sure, which is really welcome at this time of year! The binding fabric is fabulous!

  7. I really like this........simple but in an elegant way.

  8. Such pretty fabrics and the binging is perfect for that quilt. Love your snowcones! We finally got about 1cm of snow yesterday.

  9. I have to check my stash and see if I have some diagonal strip. That makes a great binding

  10. Great quilt! I reminds me of spring. love the binding!

  11. I love those coneflowers. It looks like that snow is sticking around on them!!!

    Great quilt! The diagonal binding really works well on it too.

  12. Turned out great. I've got quilt completion on my new years resolution myself! Just how many have you finished total in 2009?? Thanks for letting me know about From Here to Quilternity - I mentioned your blog on my order. AccuWeather says it is 2 degrees and is that possible :)

  13. That's a lovely quilt and the diagonal stripes around the border really sets if off.

  14. Your snow pics have been amazing, we've only had one round of snow and it only lasted a couple of days here in the NW. I am amazed at how consistant you are with your blogging, always showing us something new. Look forward to seeing your 2010 projects as they cross the finish line.

  15. Gorgeous, gorgeous quilt Wanda! I love the soft, pastel colors and fabrics.

  16. Just wanted you to know I went over to Quilternity yesterday and
    went HOG WILD!!! Hey...that could be a new reality show...'QUILTERS
    GONE WILD'!!
    So, if I get into trouble with Mr.
    Brown Dirt you are getting the blame!!!...HA!
    Great quilt.....I have had an idea
    for a quilt like that only different....???....does that make sense???

  17. Your new quilt is just beautiful Wanda!
    You got up close and personal with those cone flowers!

  18. The way you have this quilt hanging on your design wall, it reminds me of a spring rain ~ just lovely.

  19. Your Kaffee Quilt is amazing! The colors are so soft :)

  20. Great looking the colors. And you're already planning for next year...good for you!!! Take care.

  21. It turned out beautiful. It looks so nice and soft.

  22. Hi Wanda,
    Love that striped binding on the quilt; it's "just right".
    You have your summery quilt.

    I have some snowy coneheads in my yard, too. The finches haven't knocked the snow off yet to get the rest of the seed.

    Vicky F

  23. Gosh I love this Quilt. It's simply beautiful. Comforting and perfect. Now you had me all "good" until you had to go mentioning finishes and borders. sheesh. Reality!

  24. Ribbons of luscious candy bound off with the perfect binding. Those Kaffe light colored fabrics are just gorgeous.

    And more snow on your coneflowers ... they predicted maybe an 1" for us tomorrow. The snow we did get a few weeks ago is gone with only little piles from shoveling off the deck and sidwalks. And this Montana !


  25. I didn't know Kaffe did light colored fabrics: missed them. But they sure make a beautiful quilt. And funny, I have spent the last couple of days making a list of the things I am going to be working on at the beginning of the new year. I guess we will be busy in 2010.

  26. Gorgeous! Simply gorgeous! As always, I am in awe of the quilts you make...the colors you use. Love the diagonal striped binding.

  27. The first word that popped into my mind when I saw the finished, folded quilt was SCRUMPTIOUS ... just delightful on every level!

  28. Love your quilt. The colors are so pretty together.


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