
Monday, December 7, 2009

1949 game

Do you think they play such innocent simple games today as we did in 1949? The marshmallows are hanging from strings and we had to try to grab it with our mouth without using our hands. I suppose whoever did it first wins. I really don't remember the day that much. I was 8 and a half years old.I am the last girl on the right in the jeans and peasant blouse. It looks like I already had big feet back then, LOL. My mother is the lady on the left of the 2 ladies standing up.


  1. I am enjoying your photos from way back when.
    I can relate to them!

  2. Ellen has done this game on her show. You should e-mail your picture to her show!

  3. I love the nostalgia!!! My church kids actually played a very similar game last year at Halloween. I mad ghosts and bats from those little powdered sugar donuts and the chocolate covered ones and hung them with string from a tree. They had almost as much fun as it looks like you are having. You were a very pretty young lady!

  4. That's a very cool photo to have of your youth!

  5. Just found your blog & was so taken with your photo from '49... Hadn't thought about it in years, but we used to play the same marshmallow game at camp...don't recall if I ever won!
    Thanks for taking us down Memory Lane. Great image.

  6. I'm loving these old photos. Such innocent times

  7. Looks like everyone was having fun.

  8. Love the photos. I have all the photos from my parents house and I am organizing them. I just scanned a few to post for my sister's birthday...she'll be surprised, but at least,I didn't include the naked at the beach at 1 year picture.


  9. We must be nearly the same age. I turned 9 in Sept of that year. I do remember this game and how much fun it was. I also had very big feet. I don't think I could tear any of my grandchilren or greats away from their IPods or other devices long enough for them to enjoy this. How sad is that?

  10. Those were the days...was that at your school picnic? Every year at the end of June we had a school picnic to celebrate the upcoming holidays. We didn't play that game but had bag races, baseball games and lots of food.

  11. Oh we were so young and innocent weren't we. simpler times for sure.
    Yeah I remember that game and also the orange under the chin to pass...oh that was the older kids doing that...
    love the photo! thanks for sharing.

  12. I don't know if they still play those games, but it sure looks like you had fun.

  13. We did the orange under the chin pass - at a high school party. The teacher got a photo of me participating - I looked like I was necking the guy next to me! (Embarrasment was the emotion that I felt when I saw that photo.)

  14. repeat the good old games! Wouldn't that be fun? Great pictures!

  15. As soon as I saw the photo my eye immediately went to the little girl in the peasant blouse. Maybe it is the composition of the photo, or maybe I somehow knew it was you!

  16. I've enjoyed your walk down memory lane. I hope the photos made you smile too. And I hope that the innocent games are still being played somewhere.


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