
Sunday, November 15, 2009

A terrific birthday thanks to my readers

How can I begin to thank all of you for your good wishes? That was like getting 60 birthday cards. Wonderful!

I didn't stick with the cleaning for very long. It seemed like a good plan but it didn't happen. First I had to assemble the vacuum cleaner. Remember when everything used to come fully assembled? Once I had it together I vacuumed 3 rooms and it works great, but with my short attention span, I was ready to do something else. I read for awhile, did some grocery shopping, worked on my Kaffe fabric index cards, played on the computer. All in all it was a very relaxing day.

I only did one tiny bit of sewing. I had this little paper pieced cat from years ago and I wanted to try a cover for a tiny notebook. I got this far and then decided to watch some missed TV shows on my computer and the next thing I knew it was bedtime.

Now back to reality on day one of the next year.


  1. Glad it was such a nice birthday! Blogging really does connect us with lots of wonderful people.

  2. I love this sweet kitty. I want to try making some of these notebook covers for christmas gifts.

  3. The paper piced cat integrates really nicely into the cover. I love using orphaned blocks in larger pieces.

  4. I just love it when days go the way I want them...especially on my birthday. Glad you had a great day. Have a wonderful year!

  5. I'm impressed that you assembled the vacuum cleaner and thankful you did some sewing too.

  6. So glad that you had a relaxing day and were able to squeeze some sewing in. It is hard to do that sometimes, but well worth it!

  7. Well, I miss one day and it was your birthday. My dear Victor tells me everyday is my birthday, so that is why Methuselah here is about to wish you a 60+1. I have stopped counting and just call it my name day. Be good to yourself all year.

  8. sounds like it was a perfectly delightful day of doing JUST what you wanted. Hope it's a great year ahead for you.

  9. Glad that you could do just whatever you felt like doing! No matter how many birthdays, I've a feeling you will always be enthusiastic about life and color!

  10. That's what birthdays should be about. Doing exactly what you want. Glad you had a nice day.
    Catch your blog again when I get back from the big smoke!!

  11. Happy to hear you didn't overdo the vacuuming part.
    Seems like your birthday is setting the scene for your new year.
    Hmmm, I purchased three composition books last week and have been thinking hard about some book covers - - - you are an influencing gal. KF? that might do for my first cover I LOVE KF

  12. Can't wait to see what you create with your Birthday Batik. I found your blog searching for Athena's Puzzle as inspiration for the pattern and was SO impressed. Just finished a 64x64 one myself for a wedding gift. Now I'm doing the double four patch because I saw yours! Thanks for all of your tips. Wish you lived in CA so that I could take your classes.

  13. Hi Wanda,
    What a cute piece kitty! The hand-dyed fabric really makes it pop.
    Sounds like my kind of birthday--no one's expectations to live up to except your own!
    Vicky F

  14. Love that little kitty cat! What a great journal cover that will make.
    When we got a new vacuum last year I couldn't believe how much assembling was required! An the directions were about as clear as mud!

  15. Happy belated birthday, and wishing you blessings.

  16. Happy belated birthday Wanda. Mybirtheday is Nov.18th so we are a year apart in age. I plan to do just what you did. What ever the mood moves me to do. That's what birthdays are for not worring about the numbers. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead and lots of happy hours sewing.

  17. Belated Happy Birthday Wanda.
    Looking forward to another year of your lovely posts.

  18. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like yesterday was a nice relaxing day. I love the cat notebook cover.

  19. Happy Birthday a little late!
    Just got back from our belated anniversary cruise and real life!
    Looking forward to seeing you soon!

  20. Sorry, I didn't check in this weekend -- glad your birthday was happy! Hope you make it a great year!


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