
Monday, November 16, 2009

Finishing a project

I finally washed the remaining fabrics I needed to finish the 12 pillowcases for charity. I will be sending these to Jackie who tells about the worthy cause here. I just have 3 more seams to sew and they will be in the mail.


  1. What a great project and what fun colorful gifts.

  2. So colorful! Such a little thing and I'm sure it makes such a big difference to the recipient.

  3. Hi Wanda,
    OK, now I'm inspired to do some pillowcases for a cause! I'll have to scrounge around to find my kid-friendly fabric (it's in a tub somewhere). Thanks for the reminder.
    Vicky F

  4. Beautiful job and they all go to a great cause too.

  5. These pillowcases just inspire smiles --- makes me want to start making some immediately --- and we have a local group that will give them out.

  6. What a wonderful contribution to a great cause! You never cease to amaze me. Where do you get all of your energy? I finally learned to make a pillowcase last week at our Guild's Bee Night. It was so easy that I can't believe I have never made one before. Our Guild donates them to a local women's shelter.

  7. Your pillowcases are lovely and I'm sure they will be treasured by those that receive them. Thanks for sharing insights on this great cause. I love charity projects and this is certainly one that warms the heart.


  8. What fabulous colourful pillowcases. I bet they're absolutely treasured!

  9. Sweet dreams for those precious children. Surely will bring smiles to all that recieve them. Jacki is their guardian angel.


  10. I know this is probably a silly (not stupid) question, but what is it about pillow cases for charity?
    I had never heard of this. What do they do with them?
    I do love the ones you made. they are so cheerful!


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